Chapter 32.

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Months has passed just like the summer breeze,it's been five months and the couples are at least couples now,and one great thing about it is the third wheel in their lives isn't there anymore,either Bello refused to continue their affair or Jadwa decided to let go.

At their current phase they both are happy,Zaynab already started 2 diploma course at Reddish chronicles Culinary school,and a degree at haute cuisine,her life is getting back on track or it's just getting started.

Though amidst everything,the baby the planned for their families sake hasn't been conceived yet and they are least worried about that for now.Bello has been a gentle and sweet,with fawaz doing a relationship check here and there,and yes the Zaynab-Amani's friendship too has bounce back.

Today is a week to the couple first anniversary,the couple didn't make any plans for it and they are not planning to celebrate it either.Anyone could tell that are just fine,no troubles and make a perfect pair,but then they still have a long way to go for their relationship to blossom.

"B,stop breathing heavily",she whined shaking her head which was on her husband's chest side by side.

"I can't,because when you're with me my heart beats faster or skips a beat babe!",he smiled and pecked her forehead.

"I know you're pulling my legs"she beamed at him and stood up to go to the kitchen but he pulled her back.

"Baby you're glowing so much really?"...are you?!"he winked at her.

She blushed deeply before denying the fact of the pregnancy he mentioned,she lay back and imagined how their lives will be filled with so much happiness.

"Do you want a baby?,a little tiny human in our lives?",she asked and he nodded.

"Okay how about after my courses are completed in two months,if you are fine with that!",and he agreed,she couldn't be more happier now that they could discuss and plan their lives together.

They duo kissed before heading to the kitchen,to prepare dinner together.After they are done the ate,did dishes,showered and prayed together it's like a routine to do everything together especially in the evenings.

So after all the chores,it's only perfect for them to snuggle into bed and rest.Zaynab went ahead and slept after nagging her husband to sleep but he said he's got some work and that he's working on a project.

He kept working on his laptop until ,it's almost 3am in the morning before he went to bed.He's so tired and wanted to cuddle but he didn't want to disturb her,so he just called it a day and slept.

She spotted a heavily pregnant Amani coming out of the her husband's car.She's happy her siblings decided to surprise her.She dashed to her husband's room and pulled him outta bed,then draped a veil on her shoulder.

The couple walked downstairs just in time their guest came in.Surprise!!!,Zaynab squealed hugging her brother tight.

"Dumbo you didn't surprised us ,we did" Amani said laughing at her friend's childishness.

"I can't breathe get your wife off me man"Fawaz urged Bello

"Okay come and hug me baby,I'm standing over here"he waved at her.

She let go of her brother and turn to smack her husband's arm,you're such a pervert she mouthed.
Then all of them walked to living where the catch up and all.Zaynab ask the maid to make lunch for all of them,but her husband said they should order instead.

The men went to the mosque and on their way back Bello shared his secret surprise party plan for Zaynab with her brother and Fawaz was overjoyed.

"Man can I ask you something"Fawaz question

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