Chapter 18

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Prague,Czech republica

The air hostess just announced their arrival to Prague,She woke Amani up as the plane was about to land.She murmured some Duas and sat well then fasten her seat belt while She beamed happily and so excited to be in Prague.

They landed and got their boxes before heading to the terminal and wait for an Uber,when they found one they told him the name of the hotel they booked,Radisson Blu hotel Prague.
It was a short drive from the airport we arrived and checked into our suites.

"Amani,call Nana and tell her we've arrived please"

"Alright,I'll do"

Zaynab headed to the wash room because first thing first she needed a shower.She showered,got ready and jump on the bed.
While Amani was in the shower she decided to go to the terrace,the view was lovely and She loves the fresh air already.
She dialed her Mum's number and she picked at one dial.
"Hello Ammi,good morning"

"Morning baby,how was your flight?"

"Alhamdulillah,we are in Prague Ammi I'm so excited"

"Enjoy,baby and my regards to Amani"

"My regards to daddy and your big for nothing son"

"Lalala I'll smack you through the phone,if you don't hang up now"

"I love you mum".

She hanged up and the weather is getting hot since it was almost noon,She went back to their suite and met Amani lying on her back and using phone.

"Amani,mum sends her regards we spoke while you're in shower."

"Ina amsawa,my mum is also sending her regards too,"
she said.
"How is she doing"?,I asked.

"She's fine Alhamdulillah."

"Amani let's nap a little before we go out or what do you think?"

"Yup good idea ,she said and gave her that you know what we have to do look"
She chuckled and they both jump on the bed and burst into fits of laughter,their laughter was brought to a stop when she heard her phone ringing.
She whined not now ,and Amani laughed while she turn to the bedside switch and plugged her phone.
She picked the call because it was Yaya fawaz FaceTiming me.

"So I'm now the big for nothing son Abi"he asked.

"Ya fawaz why will I call you that", she feigned innocence.

"Gerrout girl,how is you and your boss Amani,he asked

"We are fine our minion"Amani said from the other side while I shoved her the phone.

"Ya Prague Amani,hope this lizard head isn't showing she's Nigerian over there"

"We've just arrived,so we're good for now"

They both chuckled and hold each other's gaze.
Err errrm She tried to clear her throat and Amani waved him bye before giving her the phone back!

"Guess what girl,I have something for you when you're back"

"Please tell me already ya fawaz"

"No,I won't"


"Okay,I will but for now rest we'll talk later"

"Okay bye I'm jet lagged already.

Jadwa's POV

Since her arrival to Prague her mind has only drifted back to Home,when she say home he mean Ya Bello.This trip was nothing but an excuse to make him miss her and yearn for her. Jadwa has vowed to make Bello fall for her no Matter what.Only Her will get to be his wife.

She stretched her body and stood by the window,thinking about many things,but time is running short,because her uncle gave an ultimatum to Ya Bello and now she have to act fast and make him fall in love with her.The knock at the door brought her back from her reverie,it was the room service guy that brought brunch.

She open the door and watch the guy push in the food trolley before walking out.Since she was very hungry so she ate as her stomach growled while checking then and there if Ya Bello has called or messaged her.
She was about to brutally murder the sausage on the plate, when her phone began ringing and she was so elated to see the caller ID.

She immediately dropped her fork and answered the call not before switching it to FaceTime.She beamed with so much joy seeing the most handsome man's face smiling right back at her.

"Hey baby girl",he waved
and she waved back and replied "Hello there handsome"
"Jadu na ,how are you",he asked
"I'm good,how are you and everybody back there"
"Alhamdulillah,they are pretty enjoying Prague already?"
"Yes but I missed you"
"Alright be back soon"
"I love you"
"Love ya too sis"

He hanged up and she threw her phone to the other side of the bed.She grabbed her fork again and this time around she made sure she murdered the sausage on her plate brutally murdered it.Then huffed and mimicked after him "love ya too sis",Nah bro I'm not your sis I'm your love.She was so pissed off that She stopped eating her brunch and she just hopped back to the bed as she lay quietly,while tears rolled down her eyes unintentionally.She don't know what to do,what she knows is that she won't give up she'll have to get his love very soon.She kept thinking till She drift off to sleep.


She currently standing close to a pile of people who are waiting to get on the boat.She was actually going to a 3-hours dinner boat cruise on Vltava River.She saw two girls chatting and laughing sweetly at something.The other looks Nigerian and seems like She's seen her somewhere before and the other she's not sure. She's too pretty and doesn't even look Nigerian but more like Arabs.
They had an eye contact and her smiled at her.She didn't know she was next to getting on the boat when she motioned her to get in so others could.She got in and stood aside while waiting for the girls to get on,if you ask her she feel like she's gonna click with these girls quickly.
They got in and headed to our tables ,happens theirs was next to her.

She extended her hand for a handshake which they both took and introduced ourselves,where she got to know their names the one that looks non Nigerian is Zaynab and the other is Amani and well they are both Nigerians.

Dinner started with a welcome drink,almost everyone enjoyed their drinks,Amani snapped them photos while they talked about one thing or the other.Zaynab was always lost amidst the conversation,seems she's not the chatty type.Then,the buffet-style dinner was spread on everyone's tables.The Ambiance,the background music and the food was lit,plus the fact that they are at the top,as we sail across river vtlava as they pass many monuments in Prague.

The live music started and it was so much fun,Amani and her kept whistling while Zaynab momentarily shook her her head and smile.

"Hey Zaynab,missing someone"?,I asked .

"Nope",she answered

Amani laughed and said the girl is single just like her so apparently she's not gonna miss anyone,she said and laughed while Zee rolled her eyes
"So Jadwa,are you single"?,She asked

"I'm in love with my handsome boyfriend,apparently he's my cousin and we're so in love,I'm just the happiest girl in the world",She said as her eyes glisten with tears.

"Awww,awww Amani mutters,who's cutting onions here"
"You're so lucky and may you always be happy"
"Amin"she muttered ,even tho she was lying to them.Dinner was over and their boat sailed back to the river bank.

"What a beautiful night",glad I met you she said and both of them smiled.
"Where are you heading to"I asked and they chorused;
"Radisson Blu hotel"

I'm staying there too,let's leave together then, they entered the taxi and left.

Here's another chappy guys,let's meet in the next chapter.

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