Chapter 7

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Abuja Nigeria.

He lazied In bed all day,and it's now 6pm,and just then he remembered ,he had asked his cousin Jadwa out on a date.

He showered,and wore a jallabiya then left for the masjid with his dad to pray magrib.After praying, he came home and change into a shirt and jeans,he spritz hisbperfume and grab his car key and phone.

He went to the parking lot and hope in his Ferrari, He turned the ignition and drove out of the house.
He drove to tulip bistro,hoping he wasn't late,He alighted and went into the café, and spotted Jadwa sitting on the table he reserved for them and pressing her phone.

"Hey Jadu!,He waved and sat opposite her

" Hello handsome,you look good she said and smiled sweetly.

"You don't look bad yourself," He said as a his eyes scanned the clothes she was wearing,it was a royal blue silk gown which hugged her body so tight,and the way her cleavage was showing up was so irritating for me,tho others might find this irresistible.

"Shall we order something" He said and she nodded.

The waiter came and took their orders,and in a short while he came back with our orders.
They digged in and talked about few things.

"Do you have a boyfriend Jadu"?, He questioned.

" Oh hello,it's Jadwa not Jadu and to your question I don't have a boyfriend,she smirked and smiled.

"Okay,okay good,He said while nodding.

They finished eating, paid their bills and walked out to the parking lot.He was going to drop Jadwa at home,so he opened the passenger side for her like a gentleman,he closed the door gently when she hoped into the car and he went to the driver's side and turned the ignition as soon as a entered.

" Ya Bello,you know I have feelings for you,we should please try and date,who knows you might actually begin to love me too"she said her tears betrayed her this time and cascaded down her eyes"

Whoever Knows Jadwa ,definitely knows she has feelings for him,the unrequited feelings which he never reciprocated.She's been crushing on him for over 7-8 years now,but he don't feel the same about her honestly"

"Look Jadu na don't cry please", he wiped her tears while they keep rolling down her eyes.

"Jadwa,I'll try and give what you said some thought, but I'm not promising you'll get want you want"!

"She smiled happily," okay then take your time.

The drive to her house was a silent one,in 30mins they were at her gate.She alighted the car and came to the driver side.He rolled the windshield down to talk to her.

"Thank you for today,I really appreciate it" she said and before He could utter a word she clasped her lips on his and kissed him passionately, for a minute the world seems to froze, but when she continued she began to drive him to the edge and He had to pull myself back.

"Sorry, I can't help it" she said and dashed into her house.

He kept replaying what she did in his head,he sat in the car for almost 10 minutes before driving away.

It was pass 9 pm when he returned home, so he went straight to his apartment, showered, prayered and hit the bed.He couldn't even sleep, his kept thinking if Jadwa will be the right spouse for him, will he even be happy?,He thought of some many ways to find a wife,he even thought he'll go to one of his friend's wedding dinner Abdul,maybe he'll meet someone. He got lost in his pool of thoughts till he dozed off.


To say She's happy about yesterday is an understatement,she so grateful her family showed up at the right time.She graduated from university, now she need to rest for a while and think about her future and the things she want.

She totally forgot Nur asked her to be his girlfriend,to which she didn't accept.She knows Nur is every girl's type of man,he's hot,handsome, rich and gentle.She don't know why she didn't say yes, maybe she wasn't ready for a relationship.

Ya Fawaz knocked at our door,and came in when she gave him permission to come in.

"Are my babies ready,our flight is by 10am you know".

" yes we are,good morning Ya Fawaz"I said.

"Morning, ya Fawaz, Amani greeted".
He replied to her greeting and they moved out of the room with their boxes,and went to the reception where they met her parent waiting in the lounge.

"Good Morning mum and dad",we all said in unison.

" Morning our babies",they replied.

"Hope y'all are ready?", mum questioned.

" Yes we are"

They sauntered of the hotel to their ride.The bell boys of the hotel helped them loaded their luggages in the trunk and the drove onwards.
The drive to the airport was quick with little or no conversations.They all headed to the Private jet and the hostess Alisha welcomed the then.

While everyone was seated the pilot welcomed us and announced they were taking off now and they should buckle their seats bells.

Ya Fawaz and Amani kept talking about random things,while her parents were in deep slumber on their seats.She went in and lay on the bed and starting reading 24 hours by ferdausee before dozing off.

Amani came in like after 1hr ,that she came to tell her they were landing in 10 minutes ,She freshened up before going back to her seat.
They landed in 10 mins and everyone was so jet lagged.Their drivers were already waiting in the parking lot .They rushed in when the spotted them and helped with their luggages.Her mum and dad hoped in the same car and left .While She,Ya Fawaz and Amani left in the other car.

They arrived home and to her surprise some of their neighbours and parents friends were at their house.Her mum's Best friend who is her Dad's bestfriend's wife did all the planning, she got caterers and decorators to and she even brought her dress and a make up artist to help her get ready.After exchanging pleasantries she ordered her to rest and get ready within an hour while she handle the guests and other stuffs.

They salaamed and the maids helped them with with luggage to their rooms and everyone headed to the direction of their room.

Hello peeps,what's up y'all?
I'm here with another update...

Our Uncle B is really finding it hard to find the right girl for him

And on the other hand,our Malaysia girl is back and Bello's mum being her mum's best friend is throwing her a surprise party, woah I'm excited because I'm definitely gonna dance at this party.

Islaha _x💜

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