Chapter 13.

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Next day

After playing subh at the hospital masjid,he decided to check on Jadwa and to his surprise she was fast asleep.He then sauntered out of the hospital and headed to the parking lot.He hoped in his car and drove home,when he reached home he went straight to the kitchen to inform their housemaid to make breakfast for Jadwa.He went to his apartment to catch a nap because he's still sleepy.

He woke up at exactly 8:30am,then showered and did the normal routine. He wore a white tux today because he's having a meeting with some investors from Japan and France.After getting ready he went straight to the main house,and met his parent by the dining.

"Good morning Baba, how was your night ?,I greeted.Alhamdulillah it was good"

"Morning Mi lady,how are you this morning? "and his mum pouted and refused to respond to his greetings.

He stood up and side hugged and said he knows why she's upset habibty,so he apologized -- I'm sorry, am really I'm.

"Okay,Amma gan dome a hoti kanye mai diga warugo ma?( why did you leave yesterday a short while after you came)."

"Ohh,I see so this is all about him leaving the party yesterday,his dad chirped in and she nodded.

"Baba,Mum I received a call Jadwa was in an accident that's why I left,and I didn't tell you because I don't want you to worry,sorry"

"Oh my God, how is she now?,hope it's nothing to worry about my dad asked"

"Yeah, it's just that she lost consciousness while driving and Alhamdulillah she hasn't sustain any injury.But the doctor said she's not eating properly that's why,I explained."

"Alhamdulillah, now let's have breakfast and go see her at the hospital"!They ate theirbreakfast and left for the hospital.

When they reached the hospital, he took the food basket before his phone began ringing. He checked and see it's a call from the office.

"Mum I need to take this,her room is number 416 VIP,please go ahead I'll join you."

She collected the basket and they both walked into the hospital hand in hand like a new wedded couple.

He spent almost 20 minutes talking on the phone before hanged up and walked into the hospital, he reached the door and twisted the knob saying his salaam,immediately he stepped in Jadwa's gaze fall on him.

She look so cute and Innocent with a small pout on her lips before a smile melt it away.He dragged a stool and sat beside her.

"Morning cutie pie" he smiled. She also smiled and replied with morning Bro.

Okay that hurt,why will she call him bro,oh No I'm her cousin bro so it's morning bro,he thought In his head.

After exchanging pleasantries he asked if she ate and she said his mum fed her.Then the doctor came in and said he She'll be discharged by 11am.

They gisted and its already 10am ish,so he bade everyone goodbye because I'm almost late,and my parents are staying till she is discharged.

Good news is her mum is coming back to Nigeria today so mummy suggested she go welcome her sister in-law.

He left the hospital and headed to his office, when he alighted the car in front of the building, he rushed to the conference as they were already Waiting for him.

The meeting lasted for an hour and it went smoothly and they were able to secure the deal,Alhamdulillah. He went to his office and finish the little work he have before driving to Jadwa's house since she was already discharged.

He alighted the car and went into the house,he met his aunt resting in one of the couch in the living room. They exchanged pleasantries and he asked about her journey, they did a little chit chat before he asked of Jadwa and she said she was in living room upstairs.

He climbed upstairs and the moment he set his foot in the living room he saw Jadwa ordering the maid on what to cook that she didn't even noticed his presence.She looked so cute,her sight alone makes hisheart skip a bit,she was wearing a magenta color bubu that suit her so well,he kept admiring her still her voice brought him out of his thoughts.

"Liked what you see ", she winked and he smiled."I see someone has already changed from the cute hospital gown,he said and she threw a pillow at him.

" Eww,I can't believe I slept in that gown",she huffed which made him chuckled.So how are you now?

"I'm ready to wrestle you down", I feel so energetic. That's good,I'm glad you're fine and healthy.

" Thank you my love for being there for me",she said.And you're welcome pretty if I have your permission I'll take your leave.

Okay lemme see you out,she said and they walked down stairs.She trailed behind him and thought of this could be him and his wife coming downstairs heading out maybe to an outing or something ,and a goofy smile escaped his lips.

He bade his aunt goodbye and head to the parking spot with Jadwa.He enter the car and she stood there holding the car door.

"So when will I get to see this handsome man again she said.Soon babe,I'll visit you soon in sha Allah.

She held the door for him and stood aside and said Bye my love,take care and she blew him a kiss.He smiled and said take care too.

He drove home smiling because of the way his heart kept tumbling when Jadu said she loves him,like mehn she's messing with his heart this days he must admit.He drove in to his house,alighted the car and went to the main house.He salaamed and he asked one of our maid where his mum is,and she told him she was at her room.

He knocked and said salaamed but no answer,since the door was half opened ,he walked in and saw a petite lady praying,she scent so densely of humrah just like the lady from the park.She was praying( in ruku'u)so he couldn't see her face.

He turned and left ,then he went to the mini living room to check for his mum she wasn't there so he decided he'll just pray zuhr there.He prayed and went downstairs, he was going to the dinning when his phone rang ,so he answered and left to the living room. When his mum called out for him,he turned and told her something came up, he'll be back,there he spotted his dad,and the petite lady also at the dining, God her scent didn't forget to capture his heart in nanoseconds.

Wattdup people, how is this chappy?hope you enjoyed it.

Well seems Jadwa is messing with my feelings, he seems infatuated or in love ,I also don't know😂.

Su Zaynab turaren wuta bah,ana kona ta tana kamshi(well forget the proverb😂❤),but the girl is punishing Bello with her scent, now the hide and seek came is still on with a scent twist😂😂.

Don't forget to Vote,comment and like pweease,pretty pwease,I take God beg bikonu😂🙏

Love njuumri_x.

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