Chapter 31

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The whole living room was even enveloped in silence which thick enough to slice through a metal and the anger for which Bello has caused them made their blood boil and as hot as a furnace.

Zaynab couldn't take it anymore,even though she hasn't told anyone about her foolish husband's deed except for Fawaz who has already find out and didn't tell anyone.

Who could be more treacherous is it her husband who was on another woman's bed or her sister in law who is at loggerheads with her because her nuptial night got ruin,she couldn't justify their actions but she holds herself responsible for her condition,had she fought against the decision to marry Bello,she wouldn't be in such a turmoil.

She excused herself and ran upstairs to her room,sobbing she slumped on the bean bag by the window of her room,life has really brought her to a cross road but what must she do to see she has peace of mind.

None of the family members went after her,she stayed there till it was noon,and by that time she realized everyone must have dispersed from the family meeting.

She showered and changed into something nice,she promise herself she isn't going to cry for him anymore.She's done and she's only doing thing that suit her peace mind now.While getting her eyeliner done,the ping of her phone made her stop what she was doing and checked who messaged her.

"Lunch at tulip bistro by 2pm please"

A message from her brother came in and she smiled,she knows exactly what he's trying,trying to cheer her up definitely.

"Sure prince"she responded

Checking herself in the mirror once again and she wants to be her old self.She took out her usual scent for old good times,she wondered why she stopped using her signature fragrance.

She took calm strides downstairs,she's still stunned to see her parent and in-laws discussing the only what God knows.They stopped immediately they sensed her presence.She changed her route to the kitchen immediately.

Her dad called her and she walked to the living room.She squat down when she approached the elders.

"Zaynab you'll be going back home tomorrow"she swallowed the gulp of bitterness,is this her parents so called principle.

"But...."She try to oppose but her mum was quick to a hand to stop her.

"You're not going to argue ,we've spoken to your husband,so you should go back to your house"there's a weak and lone tear trying to escape from her eyes but she promise not to cry over such things anymore,but she'll listen to her parents and also she's gonna do what makes her happy.

"Okay,I'll go home tomorrow"she said and after she was dismissed she went out of the house and stood at the porch,after inhaling the fresh air in and exhaling all the bad feelings and pains in her.

She drove to tulip bistro and ask for their reserved table.She surf through her phone and came across the photo she and her husband took not more than four days ago,there's a sad display and a small smile,but she won't let her own heart lead her astray ,how can she love a man she has to share.

Ya Fawaz was at their table in a jiffy,how he got there she doesn't know because she was lost in her her own thoughts.

"Penny for your thoughts"he snapped his fingers across her face

"Nah bro,penne for my tummy"she said chuckling while her brother flagged down a waiter to take in their others,she noticed he ordered for three people but she didn't question him.

So she has been trying to evade the conversation but her brother won't let it go.What will she even say about her husband.

"Hey are you aware that you're going back to his house tomorrow"he asked

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