chapter 2

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She woke up before fajr ,stretched and stood up ,then walked to the bathroom and did the normal stuff and performed ablution before coming into the room.She then grabbed a hijab and prayer mat and perform raka'atanil fajr. Zaynab opened the Qur'an and recite it the best way she can,then she recited her favorite Surah,Suratul Yasin and then raised her hands and prayed and told Allah her problems -He is the all hearing ,all seeing.

The adhan for subh prayer was called ,she stood up and prayed again, after praying she did said the morning azkar it's a ritual for her to do so every morning before going back to bed.

Zaynab slept for 2 more hours before waking up to a phone call.It was her friend Amani,she called to inform that they should do some shopping and outing today.

After the phone call she went in and showered,then got dressed into a maroon palazzo and a white top .Then spritz humra all over her body and went to greet her mum.She went to her room and she isn't there,so she went downstairs to the kitchen,where she found her giving instruction to the cook.

"Hello sweetpie Good morning "!Zaynab greeted

"Morning my sweet angel how are you"she replied.

"I'm good,Alhamdulillah"

"Ma sha Allah!" she said and smiled sweetly.

"Come let's go greet the man of the house and have breakfast together"

She followed her to her dad's room and they salaamed and entered.The mother and daughter met him sitting by the edge of the bed.

" Daddy morning "Zaynab greeted

"Morning my love and how's my sweetie doing?" he said.

Before she could reply her mother said "if you're done,remember that I'm still here and I'm your love not her" she said feigning hurt.

Both the father and daughter burst into fits of laughter, and she faked a frown,before her husband dad motioned her to come.
She came closer and he enveloped in a bear hug and kissed her forehead.

"You'll always be my love,you're my life and my everything,I love you"he said,and she said "I love you too my baby"her eyes becoming misty.

"Awwn awwn"she said you guys are goals,she had snap this moment,then showed it to her dad t,he smiled and said "go find your love and have kids so that they'll snap moments like this".

She didn't say anything she only smiled because she of all people knew where this conversation is going and she has to dodge it by all means ,so she suggested they all went down to the dinning,where her mum served everyone, and they ate.

"Yum yum yum,mama your hands are blessed,this karelan fish curry & pancakes are outta world".

" I know right"she said and rolled her eyes.
Gosh Whose mum rolls their eyes,well hers.

They finished breakfast and her dad announced he's leaving for work,both of them hugged him before walking him to the front door.

"Allah bada Sa'a daddy," and he muttered an "Amin my dear"!

"Allah bada sa'a my love" my mum said

" Amin habibty sae na dawo "he said and the driver opened the back seat of his car and they exchanged pleasantries.He close the door and zoomed off.

Zaynab closed the front door and told her mum she'll be in her room if she needs her ,she nodded and settled on the couch in the living room.

Zaynab went straight to her room and jumped on the bed,then picked her phone and saw many notification from Snapchat and Instagram flooded my phone.some were;

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