Chapter 15.

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She woke up abit late today,she was annoyed because it's gonna be a very very long day,She don't even know why She went back to sleep after subh prayer.She ran to the bathroom and did the normal routine, when she was done she came out dried her hair.After oiling it,she choose a pretty summer floral gown which was peach and purple in color and wore it,she tied my veil in a turban manner and grabbed her bag,car key and phone then went downstairs.

"Good morning family" She greeted everyone.

"Morning princess,morning love,morning lizard", dad,mum and Ya Fawaz answered respectively.

" Nobody woke me up,you know I have stuffs to do today",She said with a pout.

"Oh sorry baby I thought you needed rest that's why".

" let's eat"!

She ate her avocado toast and coffee silently,When she finished and bade everyone Good bye and left.She reached Amani's spa where few cars where parked outside and people where standing. It's 20 minutes to the opening maybe that's why there ain't much people as they are still on their way.

She met Amani standing next to her mum and a girl holding a tray with the scissors her mum gave her on it.They exchanged pleasantries and chatted and laughed as more people crowded the place.It's time someone said.

The opening started with prayers ,then few appreciation words and then Amani cut the ribbon and opened the doors.

People trooped in and the workers started their job with immediate effect ,they were introduced to the manager and all the workers both male and female by Amani's mum,Her Anty Halima Managed the catering services ,since it was the opening day customers get 50% off and food.

They took a lot of pictures, tour the whole building including the male section, met a lot of people, it was Zuhr so they went to Amani's office and prayed, since they were exhausted and already have an appointment they dragged themselves and went to get massage,after the massage manicure n pedicure,facials, then dilka,sauna bath,Zaynab got her hair washed and stretched while Amani relaxed hers,they really were pampered.

They ate after their spa session and since the opening party was over though there are still customers trooping in and out,they decided to go shopping after Asr prayer.

They two friends drove to sahad and did a quick shopping,then they bade each other goodbye because they had to pack since they're leaving by 2am to Saudi Arabia.

Zaynab arrived at home and met her mum at the living room, she kept complimenting her skin and all,She then showered and wore pajamas before she joined her in the living room again.

She packed just a few necessary stuff she need hence she didn't to carry a big box because she know she'll do a lot of shopping there.She finished packing,showered,wore her pajamas and hoped on her bed.

She heard noises downstairs ,men laughter to be precise but she wanna nap so she didn't went down to check who were they.

She unlocked her phone and dial Amani's number,she picked immediately.

"Hello CEO,how are you"?

" Wallah I was about to call you, I'm good Alhamdulillah, kef amki wen abbuki"she asked.

"Alhamdulillah they are good,I see you've become shuwa out of the blue" I chuckled.

"Yup babe,are you done packing?"

"Yes,what about you mi lady"

"I'm also done, I'll hang up now, see you at the airport"

"Okay good night".

She hanged up,set het alarm at 12:00am and started dozing off, but before she dozed off I'm sure she heard his voice (the guy from Amani's convocation), She even remembered he's Aunty son from his name BELLO MUHAMMAD NA'IM.


Her alarm rang and she woke up showered,prayed nawafil .She wore a black abaya,did her hijab,then grabbed her bag and suitcase then sauntered out of the room.

She dragged herself and her suitcase downstairs and met everyone waiting for her.

"Don't tell me y'all are wake at this hour"

"That's why you're a lizard,don't you know we taking you to the airport,"Ya Fawaz said

"I see some people don't want to miss having me around,"I chuckled.

"Well after this vacation when you come back you won't even be staying in this house again for long,"daddy said.

"But why daddy?,she questioned.

"That's because you'll have to get married and leave soon."

"Wallah I'm hurt y'all want send me away,"then she pouted.

"Do and leave this house,so I'll be the only baby in house mehn"!

"Ya Fawaz even you,FYI I'm not going anywhere anytime soo".

"Come on stop ranting about marriage ,else you'll miss your flight"

They drove to the airport, and alighted the car and just then Amani's car arrived,she came along with her mum.They exchanged pleasantries and did all the formalities and the sat in the VIP lounge with family.They waited for 15 minutes and for the flight started boarding passengers.

Their family prayed for they and hugged everyone before boarding the flight.


He went to see Mr Imran Fawaz earlier for some financial advices.He arrived at his home ,and parked the car in the drive way. He pressed the Bell and the door was opened with his ever Gorgeous wife, Aunty's beauty Got him wondering how beautiful their daughter would be ,because even Uncle Imran is a very handsome even at his fifties.

She ushered him, and they exchanged pleasantries and asked to make himself comfortable while she go call her husband not before ordering the maid to bring him refreshment. He noticed one thing about their home ,they don't hang their pictures in the living room, and the lingering scent of bakhoor and humrah was so soothing and mind blowing, it was a familiar one.

Aunt and Uncle descended the stairs laughing about what only god knows.When the couple reached the living room, He squatted and greeted him and he asked him to sit with him.His son Fawaz joined them and he gave then many useful financial advice and he'll be glad to make use of the advice he can solve the problem at work.

He even told them stories from his childhood and they laughed to their heart content. He asked Fawaz to call his sister for introduction but he said she's asleep because she has a flight at 2am to Saudi Arabia. He totally understood she need the sleep but on one hand he was eager to see their mysterious daughter.It was getting late,so he bade The Imrans goodbye and drove home.

Hi everyone
What's up people ,y'all are left in naija because we already boarded our flight to Saudi💃.

Our people still haven't met and now Zaynab is outta the country😂

But what is dad and mum planning when they said Zaynab won't be staying for long after she's back.Did they perhaps find prince charming for her😂😱.

Islaha _x.

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