Chapter 19

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Zaynab POV

Chirping birds and fresh air and also smell of freshly brewed coffee from a nearby cafe hits her nerves and soul,as she stood by the window and the morning breeze blew her hair.She inhale and exhale then tucked her hair behind her ears.She sat by the window and watched people by the streets walk by.Her eyes caught a cute couple,they were so adorable that made her kept looking at them.The husband held his wife's hair as she eats her croissants because the breeze kept messing with her hair and she couldn't eat well.She made a small snap of this cute couple and the wife saw her,so she motioned to her husband and they both smiled at me.
"You guys are cute",she shouted and they said thank you and kept talking to each other,while she thought of so many things.

"Still admiring them,huh"?Amani came and stood next to her.

"Yup,Amani why are many Nigerian men not romantic,supportive and caring as the white people"?,I asked

"Maybe ,they all still live in the 18th century with so many customs and rule that the wives are to remain loyal with their heads bowed down,bear babies,do chores and it continues that way."

"Hmm,I pray our relationship are as beautiful as the way we always wished for"

"I pray your hubby holds your hair back because it's windy and you're trying to eat donut or when you're throwing up because you're pregnant" ,Amani said.

"Eww, you're always a dumbo"I scoffed.

They laughed before they head back to the room,they ate together with Jadwa the girl from yesterday,she's not even sure if she like sher but She's sure Amani does.The three of them ate and decided to nap before going out later in the evening.

4:30pm ish
She woke up and wake dem Amani and Jadwa,before getting in shower,She prayed after having shower as Jadwa has returned to her room and Amani is in the shower.30 minutes later they were done getting ready.The three of them wore summer dresses,She wore mine with a scarf and tote,while Amani and Jadwa wore theirs with a summer hat.

Their ride came,and they got in and the car drove away.After about 20 minutes it came to a halt,and we got out.Their first stop was the Prague castle.Their tour guide led them into the castle and they got to tour every part of it,learn it's history ,it was built in the 9th century.It used to be the castle of the Holy Roman emperors and the seat of power of kings of Bohemia,now it is the official office of the president of Czech Republic.3 hours after touring the Prague castle and seeing it in its full glory they left after learning a lot about it's architecture,structure and all.They snapped a lot of pictures for the gram.
Their next stop was an Italian restaurant in Prague,La Botteka linka.They arrived at the restaurant and got to their reserved table,she made a reservation for them earlier today.They ordered their Greek salads with grilled chicken breasts as add on,la bottega pizza,Penne Al'arrabiata in spicy tomato sauce and chicken breast,for dessert they ordered le bottega tiramisu cake and cheese cake,for drinks Amani and Jadwa had strawberry and kiwi cocktails while hers was cucumber and mojito cocktail,we ordered a feast she must say.Long story cut short their la bottega experience was awesome,good food ,nice vibes,happy service,wow what an experience.She'd recommend this restaurant to anyone who intends to go to Prague.
Tomorrow is their last day in Prague,so they all need their beauty sleep because tomorrow is gonna be a long day.They boarded a taxi and told him of their destination.After about an hour drive,they arrived at the hotel and bade Jadwa good night.

They prayed,showered,and then retired to bed.Thirty minutes gone, she was in almost a deep slumber when her phone started ringing.I groaned before answering,it was Ya fawaz.

Hey lizard ,are you sleeping?,he said
Yes,obviously I am.
You know ,I've got something to tell you but since you're too sleepy I'll leave it in the morning,he said .
It was too sleepy that I don't know what he was saying at that point but I was too curious to let go so I asked.
Nooooo,pleaaase teelll me
Okay,I want you to marry someone special,he said
Yes of course I eeerrrrm marryyy someone speeeecial,bye.
She drifted off to her sleep.

All of a sudden he felt interested in the offer Fawaz gave,as it is time is running out,so he kept turning and tossing and still couldn't get some sleep.He searched for his phone and checked the time it was only 10pm,so he decided to give fawaz a call and talk about his sister.
After he dialled his line and about 4 rings he picked up.From the sound of his voice,one could clearly tell he was sleeping.

Hello,How are you ?
I'm good,and you?
Alhamdulillah,I'm sorry I've woken you up!
Ah haba bro no need for apologies,so what's up?,he questioned
Actually,errnm..errm did you perhaps talked to your sister,he asked.
Well I haven't spoken to her about you yet he said.
Please bro,do that tonight if possible...he pleaded.
Alright sure I'll call her right away,he said.

He hanged up and he slept off with his finger crossed,hoping she'll say yes,because he needed to act fast as Baba's ultimatum is about to end.He prayed for the best,before sleeping.

Woah I don't even know what to say,let's talk in the comments box.

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