Chapter 23

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Zaynab's POV

Yay!!!,finally she met the one and only Bello Adam Muhammad she squealed like a child while Amani just stare at her like some mad woman.

"Alright,I've heard you've met him but why was he here ,all this while after "she asked.

"Apparently his mum ask him to visit me,since she's been feeling sick"She told her

Amani asked her a lot about his visit 2 days ago and She filled her in while she listened with so much attentiveness,like trying to figure something out about it all,she's Amani she can do anything with her logic,overthinking that she knows.

"He's a very beautiful man with good manners,and guess what,he's someone one will feel comfortable around,so easy going and fun to be with "I'm telling you,she said and clapped her hands.

"Someone like your dream husband?"she asked with an arched brow raised

"No,not that...maybe close or just someone I had a comfortable first encounter with "She said and flashed her,a daring smile.

"First impression ?"


"It's all that matters,isn't it "she asked and She shrugged

"I do not know where this is going and what is it that you're insinuating but let's drop this topic pretty please "She begged.

She irks her trying to pin point who she'll make a match with all the time,she's just like them- her family,they're always talking about her getting married.

They both sat in a thick silence and she moved her gaze to Amani who's just busy with her phone.She seems upset,maybe because She stopped her from talking about B and her.


She looked up at me and said;me!

"Let's go make some tres leches cake"she announced and her eyes widened like saucers ....she knows that type of cake is both our favorite but She don't usually make it ,just once in a blue moon we order it all the time.

"Is that your way of saying I can play matchmaker "she asked

"You wish Amani"She rolled her eyes and we sauntered out of the room.

8 weeks later

There's going to be a dinner tonight with The Adams,Amani's family are joining too.She's been on her foot since 7 am along side Amani,they've been working their butts off since morning.Her mun made sure the house is sparkling clean ,ya Fawaz was out,so was her dad.

They've made samosas,lamb chops ,cup cakes,chicken cutlets,mandi rice ,fattoush salad and kiwi daiquiri,mint mojito as well as chamomile tea.

It's currently 6:40pm ish and they're done but didn't arranged anything yet.Amani hit the shower first ,while Zaynab burn incense and the maid cleaned the room.She was taking much time according to her she smells like eggs and curry and garlic.

She don't wanna waste so much time,hence she went to the guest room to shower.She showered and performed ablution then wore her pjs and a long hijab before rushing to set the table.

She dropped the last piece of cutlery when she heard a car horn in the compound.She glanced at everything which was well arranged before he ran upstairs to her room to get ready.
Amani is already dressed,and have prayed too.

"Why did you took so much time"she stood arms akimbo

"I went to set the table,guests have started arriving "
She said panting because she ran upstairs.

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