Chapter Twenty-Three: Starry Night

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Tuesday. 12:14pm. HSPC headquarters, Shizuoka.

"How has this gone public!?" roared Madam President at the head of the conference table. "Four days, Stardust has been off grid. Four days we have not been able to contact her. Why does the public know this, and why are they making the wild accusation that she's dead, or run away?" she slammed her fist on the white table, expressing her frustration.

Fuji Tanaka took a deep breath through his nose. "Both trackers, in the suit, and her arm, have been discovered on a bullet train from here to Tokyo, going back and forth, which is how we discovered them because of the strange behaviour. Neither contained traces of blood. We also have reason to believe Stardust removed both earlier this month, and has been fooling us ever since."

"But why now? Why reveal that now? It's too suspicious."

"Do we have reason to believe she was kidnapped?" Aoi Sakura says, concerned. "By the League of Villains, maybe? It was earlier this month were three members of the League was spotted fighting three blocks away from the apartment, with someone who looked like Stardust. And then the incident with the Toga Himiko girl. How did she get a sample of Star's blood, unless they attacked her that night, took her blood, and fled. But for some reason she refused to tell us. Why? Embarrassment, maybe?"

"Star has a reputation of rebelling, and running away." Kato Yokisho recalls. His voice feeble. "This isn't the first time something like this has happened. This week was supposed to be the end of her suspension, and when she began her sessions with Aki Noya. Maybe she ran away because she doesn't want these session like she has freely expressed in the past. But that doesn't mean we shouldn't be concerned. Coincidently, after all her money was withdrawn from the bank, she goes missing. I'm telling you, the League of Villains is behind this!"

"Kato is right. Stardust has been told if she removed the trackers there would be consequences."

Madam President turned to the six members of The Board. "Our first priority is finding Star. For all we know, the League could be torturing her for information right now." Saying those words brought a horrible truth forward in her mind. She wasn't expecting to be so concerned for someone who shows no respect, work ethic, or heroism.

"Stardust has been trained to endure torture. She won't crack." Yuma Onishi says. "She would rather die."

"That still doesn't answer why the public knows she's missing!"

"She isn't missing." Fuji Tanaka inclined his head. The scar on his head was staring grotesquely at Madam President. "Stardust is taking a suspension leave."

"You're suggesting we tell the media we extended her suspension?"


"I don't see why not." Madam President leant forward. "Until we can locate Stardust and find out what she's really doing. This activity is too suspicious. Fuji, I want your team working around the clock. Find her last known location and track her down from there. She could be in serious trouble. I want my Hero found!"

Tuesday night. That god awful day Miya has been both dreading and looking forward to. Because this is the night she officially renowns her tittle as HERO, and all ties to the system. And for the first time, as she stood on the edge of the cliff overlooking a forest that reached on into the horizon, standing under the cover of night watching the lonely camp building standing amongst the trees, quiet and asleep. She felt as though the chains around her ankles gave way, and she could near the surface of the water finally.

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