Chapter Sixty-Seven: Hubble's Law

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Hawks was seated on his lounge, head down, hands in his lap, and the stubs on his back had already grown back a few dozen feathers at odd and uneven lengths. Kinetic sat on the opposite lounge, head bowed between his legs, and hands hanging over his knees; all in shame.

There was a soft defeated sigh from the retired Pro Hero sitting in casual attire. He's barely talked since seeing Miya yesterday. Kinetic stared at his sneakers, he memorised the way the laces looped over each other and crossed themselves into a bunny loop. He memorised the fabric, the colour, and the way they moved when he wiggled his toes.

Hawks was staring at the dumpling restaurant card which Miya gave him, with a number written on it. He didn't stop looking at it since coming home to his large house in Fukuoka. He read the card over and over until he memorised the information. (It was just a restaurant card she used to give him her new number.) He seriously considered giving it to Kinetic.

(Bad idea, man.)

It was Hawk's turn to let out a sigh and the hand holding the card dropped back into his lap.

"I don't know what to do anymore." Kinetic finally says, lacing his fingers together between his knees; head still hanging low.

The phone sitting on the coffee table between them spoke with Madam Presidents sophisticated voice. "None of us where expecting Stardust or Dabi to show up like that. It just validates Hawks's theory. Where there's one, the other is bound to be near. And it turned out to be true. And from what we've observed we can come to the conclusion that they have some sort of relationship."

"It's not a conclusion." replies Hawks, still starting at the card in hand. "Its fact. It's obvious with the way they spoke and looked at each other. They operate as a team. And an affective one too. Like Harley Quinn and Joker; it's a sick joke to them."

Kinetic clenched his fist and Hawks felt the air tense. A shiver ran up his spine shooting through his feathers and ruffling them up.

"I froze when I saw them together. I swore I would kill Dabi for this... but I couldn't do it."

"It's not your fault..." Hawks tried to reassure, when Madam President interrupted.

"It is your fault, Kinetic." she spat through the phone. "It shouldn't matter how long you've been retired, you still have the training and knowledge. Maybe if you had of done something we could have Dabi and Stardust in custody and off the streets. We could have taken the two biggest players in the League away from Tomura Shigaraki and that would have really hit him where it hurts."

"I know." Kinetic replied softly. There was a tiredness in his voice; defeat and heartbreak. If he wasn't going to die of old age, he was going to die young like a reckless teenage boy driving his dads new fast car he stole with the windows down and music blaring out as he drove until he looses control and crashes; only, Kota was going to die of heartbreak and not in a fast car with music and laughter. He would die screaming and in tears.

And Miya would be to blame.

Madam President sighed and stopped to look out the floor to ceiling windows behind her desk at HQ in Shizuoka. She folded her arms over her blouse, phone to ear. "Regardless," she says to them. "We can use this fact against them in the future. If we can somehow manage to lure one, the other is bound to follow. The task force we are putting together is training specifically to fight each member of the League respectfully. We've already taken out Kurogiri. The more we can get them out in the lime light, the more we can study them; the way they fight, think, and so on."

Hawks looked at the phone sitting on the coffee table. "How do you plan on luring Stardust and Dabi? Miya's too smart. She knows exactly how we - you - the Commission thinks. Anything you throw at her, she'll expect. It'll be difficult."

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