Chapter 1 : Exil

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The Cats of Thunderclan were all in their Dens , resting their injured bodies after the terrible fight of earlier. Thankfully no one had severe wounds and would heal quickly.

Fireheart was laying on his nest in the Warriors' Den with a horrified look on his face. Earlier today , a large group of rogues attacked their camp and Bluestar, their Leader and his former mentor, died in the battle. He was unable to reach her because of their attackers but he knew who was responsible for this : their Deputy and the most trusted Warrior of the Clan , Tigerclaw.

The dark brown tabby tom with amber eyes had tried to kill Bluestar in the past but in vain....until now. Fireheart was heart-broken by his Leader's death but deep down another feeling consumed his heart : anger. He knew Tigerclaw was a traitor since his old friend Ravenpaw told him about what the dark brown tom did : during a fight with Riverclan for Sunningrocks, Tigerclaw killed their Deputy Redtail and told the Clan that it was Oakheart , Riverclan's Deputy, who did.

The brown Deputy then tried to get rid of his apprentice once and for all , but Fireheart and Graystripe helped him to reach Barley's barn where the black cat lived peacefully as a loner. Speaking of Graystripe, the gray tom was near his bright-flame colored friend with a look of sorrow on his usual joyful face. He still missed his forbidden mate Silverstream who died giving birth to their kits. Thankfully, Bluestar didn't banished him but his Clan-mates were still suspicious of the dark gray tom.

And now learning that their Leader was dead.... Every members of Thunderclan was horrified by the news as it was Tigerclaw himself who announced it. Right now the traitor was at the Moonstone to receive his nine lives . Fireheart growled at the thought of having Tigerclaw as Leader of Thunderclan and his growls caught the attention of his friend " Are you alright Fireheart ?" "No I'm not ! Tigerclaw killed Bluestar and now he is our Leader !" "I know... I don't like it too..." the gray tom responded because glancing at the nursery.

The fire pelted tom seemed to know what he was thinking and he was a bit worried too : Bluestar accepted to let those kits staid despise being Half-clans but some of their Clan-mates disagreed with her decision....and Tigerclaw was among them. Now that he was Leader...What will happen to those innocent kits ?! Fireheart putted the tip of his tail on his best friend's shoulder before saying "Don't worry...No matter what will happen I will always be there for you..." Graystripe looked back at him with gratefulness and the two decided to rest for a bit. The fight from earlier had drained them of all their energies.

The two Warriors pressed their bodies against each others before falling asleep. Fireheart then found himself at Fourtrees and looked around before his green eyes landed on a familiar form approaching him. It was a pretty tortoiseshell she-cat with amber eyes who was once Thunderclan's Medicine Cat when Fireheart joined the Clan moons ago : Spottedleaf.

The happiness in his green eyes changed into one of sadness and when she was face-to-face with him, he spoke in a voice full of sadness " It is my fault....Bluestar died because of me !" Spottedleaf looked at him with sadness but still with a stern look "No Fireheart the true responsible is Tigerclaw ! Not you !" "You could have warned her about him ! " The Flame pelted tom spat angrily but the pretty tortoiseshell molly didn't even flinch at his tone "Starclan's power is limited but if we had the possibility... we would have warned her..."

Fireheart sighed , his anger disappeared completely, when suddenly, another form approached the duo and the fire colored tom was overjoyed to see Bluestar approaching them. The blue-gray she-cat seemed young again and her blue eyes looked at her former apprentice with a sad smile "I should have listened to you when you told me your suspicions about Tigerclaw... Forgive me for my foolishness.."

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