Chapter 20 : Tallstar and Leopardstar

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"Fireheart ? Is that you ?" Tallstar asked him from his place after a moment of stunned silence as he harbored a shocked look on his aged face. "Long time no see Tallstar..." Firestar said with a smile as his emerald green eyes looked at the two Leaders before him.

To say Leopardstar and Tallstar were surprised was understandable. Both of them were looking at him with nothing but pure shock written on their faces. After, they came to believe, thanks to Tigerstar, that him, Graystripe, his kits, Cloudtail and Brightheart were killed in the rogues attack moons ago. And who would question Tigerstar's says back then ?

"Fireheart... How is it possible ?" the black and white Windclan Leader began to say as he then spotted another familiar figure among the newcomers "Graystripe ?!" The gray tom stepped forward before bowing his head in respect "Tallstar... Leopardstar..."

Firestar almost couldn't retain himself to laugh at the expression on Leopardstar's face when she saw Graystripe (and himself ). After all, she always held a grudge against him and the gray tom because of the death of one of her Clan-mates , Whiteclaw , moons ago.

The bright-flame colored tom internally grimaced at the reminder but managed to hide his thoughts as he then looked back at Tallstar , the noble Leader of Windclan. The black and white tom looked thiner than the last time he saw him... Even though Windclan Cats in general were seen as thinner than others.

"Firestar !" someone called from behind him and the call seemed to catch the attention of only himself but also the gathered Riverclan and Windclan Warriors. Firestar turned his head to see his nephew Cloudtail approaching him. The Skyclan Leader was totally aware of the looks of astonishment and surprise he was receiving from most of the Cats present and , internally, he couldn't blame them.

"Yes Cloudtail ?" The Skyclan Leader asked the white long-furred warrior ,ignoring the others. "Where should we sleep from now ?" Cloudtail asked Firestar with a frown as eyed the camp. It was a good question. The camp was big enough to fit both Riverclan and Windclan but couldn't be able to add them.

However before he could respond, Firestar was interrupted by Tallstar's voice who echoed just behind him "There is some bushes not too far from here... Maybe you can go there..." The bright-flame colored tom bowed his head at his fellow Leader before looking over at his Deputy "Nightfur !"

Hearing his name, the black tabby tom approached his Leader "Yes Firestar ?" The Skyclan Leader glanced at Tallstar who just called over Deadfoot, his Deputy. The twisted legged-black tom bowed his head at his Leader before doing the same to Firestar who returned the gesture. Then he looked at Nightfur who was patiently waiting "Nightfur... Take some Warriors with you and follow Deadfoot... Graystripe, Cloudtail and Weaselpelt will stay here with me... We will join you later !"

Nightfur bowed to his Leader and called out the rest of the Skyclan Cats before they followed Deadfoot to their soon-to-be-sleep-place. "Fireheart... I mean Firestar..." Leopardstar corrected herself after a second of hesitation before resuming "We need to talk... now..." The bright-flame colored tom nodded his head at her and he followed the two other Leaders as they walked away from the crowd. But then Firestar stopped a second to glance at the cats he chose to remain with him : Graystripe was talking with Onewhisker who harbored a look of joy on his face while Cloudtail and Weaselpelt were discussing to each other before being approached by two Windclan apprentices that Firestar didn't know.

Smiling, the bright-flame colored tom went after Leopardstar and Tallstar who were waiting him under the Tallrock. When he reached them, Tallstar was the first one to talk "So... You are a Leader now huh ? Congratulations !" Firestar bowed his head at the older tom in gratefulness "Indeed... Congratulations are in order... but tell us... How can you , Graystripe and Cloudtail be alive ?"

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