Chapter 5 : The Journey begins...

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Fireheart woke up when the light entered the barn he and his friends were currently sleeping in. Two days had passed since the travelers entered the barn and the flame colored tom knew it was time to go find Skyclan. He closed his eyes as he let out a soft sight : he couldn't believe what happened since the last moon : from being banished by the treacherous Tigerstar , then discover the existence of a fifth Clan than no one had heard and the fact that Nutmeg wasn't his birth mother to begin to journey to find Skyclan.

Shaking his head, the bright flame colored tom slowly got out of his nest , stretching his body before approaching the others. Stormkit and Featherkit were playing with their father Graystripe while Goldenkit was sitting near her mother Creampelt who was watching grooming her kit's pelt with affectionate lick . Fireheart smiled at the scene before looking around : Cloudpaw and Brightpaw were sharing some mice , their furs pressed against one another while Ravenpaw was sharing tongues with Barley.

Then he heard some footsteps approaching him and he turned his head to see Creampelt with a large rabbit between her jaws. The large cream furred molly lowered her head down to put down her prey before looking back at Fireheart with a warm smile "Do you want to share with me ?" she asked him softy and the bright flame furred tom nodded in response before settling down beside her large form. As he settled down, he heard her purring in delight and he internally chuckled before tearing warm flesh of the prey apart.

The two ate slowly and mostly in silence and when Fireheart finished his last piece of meat , he could feel Creampelt's muzzle brushing against his nose before gently licking it to get rid of the blood on it. Then the two shared tongues and Fireheart relaxed greatly under the rasping of the large molly's warm tongue. Like always, the bright flame colored tom enjoyed her company but deep down , he was still wondering why she was acting so friendly toward him.

As he licked Creampelt's side, he felt something snuggling against him and he opened his green emerald eyes to see Goldenkit making her way between the two. Amused, Fireheart asked with a raise-brow " What are you doing ?" The pale yellow she-kit looked at him with her big blue eyes , deeper than her mother's "Nothing... I just wanted to be with you both..."

Creampelt purred with affection as she lowered down to lick her kit's head fondly and Fireheart nuzzled the little fur-ball who purred in content, her eyes closed. The bright flame pelted tom then looked back at the large molly before suggesting softy "We should gather everyone.... We need to talk know..." Creampelt nodded in understanding "Yes...Its time to finally see my home again..."

"Should we talk to the others now ? Or do you prefer to wait ?" Fireheart asked her gently " The sooner the better" was her answer. Nodding, the flame pelted tom got up before approaching Graystripe. Stormkit and Featherkit , instantly stopped assaulting their father to welcome the newcomer "Hi Fireheart do you want to play with us ?" the silver tabby she-kit asked him with cute eyes and her brother was equally looked at the fire pelted tom with a pleading look.

Fireheart shook his head "Sorry kits I need to speak with your father..." The kits awed sadly in response and to cheer them up, he quickly added "Maybe Goldenkit would want to play with you...You should go ask her !" At those words, the two squealed in delight and they dashed toward the pale yellow she-kit still snuggling against her mother.

Graystripe chuckled as he saw the three playing together before looking at his longtime friend "So what do you want to talk about ?" " Try to guess..." Fireheart asked him with a raise-brow and after a moment of silence, the drk gray tom responded "I see... Do you need help to gather everyone ?" "Yes thank you..." the fire pelted tom nodded in response as the two separated to each other to gather the others.

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