Chapter 21 : Plans

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The sun was high in the sky as Firestar led his Warriors toward the Windclan's camp. The night before, he was wondering what should he do to Tigerstar once everything would be done : he knew deep down that he couldn't let the treacherous dark tabby alive or he would get revenge on everyone and cause more problems than he already did.

When the group arrived, they were greeted by the Windclan Deputy , Deadfoot "You finally came Firestar ! Tallstar and Leopardstar are waiting for you !" The bright-flame colored tom deeped his head in acknowledgement before asking "What about Nightstar ? Surely he would be with us..."

"Tallstar send Mudclaw to warn Shadowclan about your return... Our Leader also ordered him to tell them your story..." Deadfoot responded before adding with a chuckle "Surprisingly none of them believed Tigerstar in the first place and in fact were happy you were alive..." But then the amusement in the twisted-legged black tom's eyes disappeared to add in a more serious tone "Some of our exiles rejoined the Clan however...."

"Who ?" Firestar asked the Windclan Deputy worriedly as his fur bristled in shock at the news. "You will see..." was Deadfoot's answer as he turned around to led them straight into the camp. Firestar glanced at his friend Graystripe who shared the same worried expression on their faces as well as a hint of anger. Those cats were among those who attacked Thunderclan moons ago AND helped Tigerstar to kill Bluestar !

The young Skyclan Leader lifted his tail , gesturing them to follow him as he passed through the tangle of gorses which protected Windclan Camp. Once they emerged on the other side of it, they instantly caught the attention of the Cats present and among them Tallstar and Leopardstar. Speaking of the Riverclan Leader, Firestar had never thought she would treated him nicely. After all, each time they saw each other in the past always ended up with a snarl or a cold attitude. But her behavior the other day proved him that everything was possible. "Maybe she realized it was an accident ?" Firestar asked himself internally as he glanced at the Dappled Golden Tabby she-cat.

"Greetings Firestar ! Deadfoot must have told you we were waiting for you...." The Windclan Leader said to the younger tom in a friendly manner and Firestar returned the gesture " Greetings Tallstar Leopardstar ! And yes he did.... But where is Nightstar and his Clan ?" Indeed, we could only see Cats from Skyclan, Riverclan and Windclan in the camp. No sight of Shadowclan.

" They might be on their way... After all Shadowclan is not know for their punctuality..." Leopardstar inquired with a hint of humor in her voice and her fellow leaders couldn't retain a snort of amusement. "They might not be punctual but they are better than us in some ways like sneaking in the shadows..." Firestar retorted calmly as his green eyes looked at the two other Leaders who agreed with him.

"Yes each Clan had their weakness and their strength.... Speaking of this what is the most noticeable thing in your Clan Firestar ? We know every Clans' strength but not yours..." Tallstar asked the Skyclan Leader who smirked deviously before turning his head toward his Warriors "Weaselpelt !" he called out for the brown-and-white molly who stopped her discussion with Morningflower to approach him "Yes Firestar ?"

The bright-flame pelted Leader glanced at his fellow Leaders with a grin before lowering his head so it was near the she-cat's ears and whispering something which caused Weaselpelt's eyes to widen in surprise. But then her surprised expression turned into a playful one as she nodded to her Leader "Alright Firestar...." However when she said this, a sparrow passed just above them.

As fast as she could, Weaselpelt jumped and the bird found itself between the jaws of the molly who landed on her paws with her prize. Firestar purred in satisfaction "This sparrow is yours to keep Weaselpelt... Nice catch !" The molly purred in appreciation and trotted away with the bird between her fangs. Then Firestar turned around to face his fellow Leaders who were looking back at him with wide eyes of shock.

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