Chapter 2 : Revelations and Plans

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" Fireheart... I think you deserve to know the truth... I'm not your true mother... "

Fireheart looked at Nutmeg with nothing but pure shock as he heard those words "What do you mean you're not my mother ?! Of course you are !" he shouted a bit too loudly which caused everyone to look at the duo with surprise. Princess approached them and gently asked "What's going on ?" The fire pelted tom looked at his sister , still surprised "Nutmeg just told me she wasn't my mother..."

It was Princess's turn to be surprised as she looked at Nutmeg with wide eyes "Is that true ?" she asked the older molly with hesitation. Their mother sighed deeply in sorrow before responding "Yes its true... I adopted Fireheart when he was just a small kit... My Two-Legs brang him to him during a cold night..." Nutmeg's expression softened suddenly "You were so tiny and cute... mewling for milk.... I couldn't let you die..."

Fireheart listened with a shocked expression on his face but still managed to ask in a soft tone " Do you know my parents ?" Nutmeg shook her head sadly " I don't know... I knew you were Jake's son because you look just like him but... I don't know your birth mother... I'm sorry for not having telling you this sooner..." The brown and white molly whispered in a sorrowful tone as she looked away in shame.

Her son stood there with a look of shock on his face : all his life was a lie. He was devastated to hear that his mother; the one who took care of him before being adopted by his Two-Legs.... Was not the one who gave birth to him.

Princess was as shocked as her brother and she wasn't the only one. Cloudpaw , Princess's son, had heard everything and slowly approached his mentor "You will always be my uncle Fireheart..." the white apprentice whispered softy to the bright-flame furred tom who smiled gently in response.

Graystripe looked at his friend with a sad frown as well as Brightpaw and Creampelt. The cream pelted Queen's blue eyes looked at Fireheart with sorrow even if she knew him for a mere moment. "I forgive you...No matter that you didn't gave birth to me...You will always be my mother..." The flame pelted tom gently said to his mother who looked at him with a smile "You look so much like Jake....You are as adventurous and curious than him..." The Older Molly began to say with a fond smile before frowning.

"Are you okay ?" Princess asked her mother with concern "Yes...its just that I remembered that Jake was friends with some Clan-Cats...One of them was a tom named Talltail if I remember correctly..." Graystripe , Fireheart, Cloudpaw and Brightpaw's eyes widened in surprise at this revelation. The fire pelted tom looked at his best friend before asking "Graystripe... Are you thinking of what I think ?" "Yes...There is no other cat with that name... Thats explain why he is so friendly with you... " the dark gray tom responded with gravity but with a hint of humor.

Fireheart grunted in response but then looked at his mother when she asked "Do you know Talltail ?" " Is this Talltail a black and white tom with a long tail ?" her son asked suddenly and she nodded "Yes he is...from what Jake told me..."

Fireheart looked back at his best friend "No doubt possible it must be...." "Tallstar !" Graystripe resumed softy.

"Tallstar ?" Nutmeg asked with a frown "When a cat became Leader , it received nine lives from our ancestors and take at the end of their name 'star' " Fireheart explained to his mother whose eyes widened in shock. As Nutmeg asked more question about Clan-life, Brightpaw approached Creampelt's basket before taking a look at the small yellow she-kit sleeping against her belly "She is cute...What is her name ?" the white and ginger apprentice asked the Queen with a gentle tone.

Creampelt looked at her with a frown but soon her expression softened "Her name is Goldenkit..." " Your name looks like ours...Are you a Clan Cat too ?" Brightpaw asked the cream pelted Queen with curiosity "Yes I am... I am a Warrior of the noblest Clan of all...." "Which one is it ?" the female apprentice asked gently and Creampelt responded with a gentle tone "Skyclan..."

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