Chapter 12 : Excellent News

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Two moons had passed since Fireheart became Skyclan's New Deputy and many things changed during this time. First of all, Foxclaw , the dark ginger Warrior who taunted him and his group for being 'Thunderclan Filth', became more friendly and even hang out with them from time to time. It was needless to say that everyone was surprised by this change of behavior but of course, they were all happy for it... all except Darkcloud of course but no one paid attention to him.

Secondly, Snowpelt, one of the two Senior Warriors of the Clan, decided to join the Elders as she admitted she was feeling her age. Dovestar, the Clan Leader was saddened about this but she understood as she wished for her loyal Warrior a good end of life among the other Elders. Nightfur was asked if he wanted to follow his comrade but he responded 'no' saying he was still strong enough to serve as Warrior.

Thirdly, Cloudtail and Brightheart officially became a couple and everyone congratulated them. Fireheart and Graystripe had shared an amused glance as they KNEW it would happen. After even back when they were apprentice, these two seemed quite close. Croweye was really happy for his friends and a few days after the two, the black tom announced to everyone he and Mistfur had become mates much to everyone's surprise. Regardless the whole congratulated them especially their mentors , Weasepelt and Snowpelt respectively.

Fourthly, Sootkit , Whitekit and Foxkit became apprentices and were given Darkcloud , Russetpelt and Graystripe respectively. Even if everyone was happy for the trio, Fireheart was a bit wary about Sootkit because he got DARKCLOUD as his mentor. He knew the tom disliked him and the other former Thunderclanners and would surely incite his apprentice to do the same. Fireheart ,since then, promised to keep an eye for the young apprentice so he wouldn't became like the gray tom.

As if it wasn't enough good news, Spotpaw ( Nightfur's apprentice) got her Warrior Name and was now known as Spotfur. Everyone had congratulated her and she was glad to join her Old Den-mates in the Warrior Den. However she surprised everyone when she asked to become Kestrelfeather's apprentice. When asked why, the tortoiseshell molly responded that she was always interested in herbs but wanted to learn how to fight and hunt before. The whole Clan agreed with her decision and Kestrelfeather happily accepted her as her apprentice.

But sadly ,there weren't only good news during those two moons. Dovestar lost a life because from greencough and Fireheart learnt from his aunt ,Kestrelfeather the Clan Medicine Cat, that his Leader had only one last life left. Speaking of the two, they became really close and Russetpelt and Brownleaf, his mothers, apologized for not telling him about his aunt sooner, claiming they forgotten which caused Kestrelfeather to complain about 'being the forgotten one' but she received a hug from her entire family (which was really cute by the way)

Back to Dovestar, the pale gray furred Leader was becoming weaker and everyone knew she wouldn't last long. But despise her state, Dovestar still acted the same as if nothing happened or as if she was still a young cat. From what the former Thunderclanners know, Dovestar was the Oldest Cat in the Clan ! (16 years old to be precise) At this age, it was surprising she still looked strong and confident or the fact she didn't stepped down as Leader to join the Elders but no one questioned her for that because everyone knew why. Dovestar was loyal to her Clan and wouldn't NEVER join the Elders even she was becoming more and more frail and weak.

Despise this , Skyclan was fine thanks to the combined efforts of their Leader and their Deputy. Even if he was young, Fireheart proved to everyone he was qualified to the job but deep down he doubted it. When Dovestar caught greencough, the flame pelted tom took over for a while until she was strong enough. The fiery pelted tom was quite uneasy the day after the Ceremony but since then, he became more confident and everyone could tell he would make a good leader one day.

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