Chapter 11 : New Deputy and Shocking News

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" The new Deputy of Skyclan will be... FIREHEART !"

After Dovestar pronounced those words, the entire Clan froze in shock and surprise. None of them had expected this. But the most surprise cat noticeable was without contest our beloved flame pelted tom whose green eyes were opened wide as he looked up at the gray furred Leader. " Dovestar ! It must be an error ! I cannot be Skyclan Deputy !" Fireheart inquired loudly after a moment of complete silence.

" Yes ! There are FAR better QUALIFIED Warriors that this Thunderclan Filth !" Darkcloud shouted haughtily as he gazed the fiery pelted with a clear expression of disdain. But soon the gray tom flinched in fear when Graystripe hissed at him menacingly along with Creampelt, Brownleaf , Russetpelt , Weasepelt and Cloudtail.

Fireheart was glad that his friends and mothers were supporting him but then he noticed something...unusual. Darkcloud's ally, Foxclaw, didn't say anything and instead of being disgusted by the news, he seemed calm and posed. But his thought were interrupted by Nightfur's voice as the Senior Warrior stepped forward "Darkcloud ! Even if you don't approve of our Leader's decision , You HAVE to at least RESPECT IT !" "By The Warrior Code, a Leader's word is LAW !" Snowpelt, the second Senior Warrior, added in agreement.

Darkcloud huffed in indignation before looking away in an attempt to ignore them all. While his defenders were still glaring at the gray tom with amber eyes, Fireheart was still looking at Dovestar and was about to repeat his words when she stopped him by lifting her tail " Fireheart ! Do you accept the position of Deputy of our Clan ?" she asked him with a calm but stern tone.

The flame pelted tom seemed conflicted : he NEVER dreamed to being Deputy of a Clan even when he still lived in Thunderclan and he never thought a Leader would chose HIM of all Cats.

But , on the other hand, becoming a Deputy was a honor... The biggest mark of trust a Leader would show toward one of its Warriors.

He then looked at his comrades who all looked back at him expectantly. His mothers, Brownleaf and Russetpelt, were watching with a proud smile while Creampelt and Graystripe were looking at him with joy. Then he saw Goldenkit , Creampelt's daughter , and the expression in her eyes warmed his heart : she looked overjoyed.

It was at this moment that he knew he couldn't back down... He couldn't refused the post or he would disappoint many cats. "Fireheart ?" Dovestar asked him from her place in a hurried tone., waiting for his answer. The flame pelted tom took a deep breath before looking up at the Skyclan Leader with a neutral look on his face "I accept..."

At those words, all Cats congratulated him as they cheered for him . The first ones to congratulate him were Graystripe and Creampelt who had her large body pressed against her mate as she purred loudly in happiness. Soon , Fireheart found himself cuddled by both his mothers who licked his face repeatedly. Cloudtail and Brightheart along with Croweye congratulated him happily after.

He was wondering why his Clan-mates were so happy to see him as their Deputy as he was once member of Thunderclan, one of the Four Clans who chased them out of the Forest Territories but then he remembered that he had Skyclan Blood in his veins.

The only one who didn't seemed happy about Fireheart's nomination was ,of course, Darkcloud who left the gorge to enter the Warrior Den , completely ignoring his new Deputy. Then she flame colored tom saw Foxclaw looking at him. He waited for a sharp insult or barred teeth of displeasure but the dark ginger Skyclan tom stood there calmly. Fireheart was completely shocked by the tom's behavior and became more surprised when Foxclaw bowed his head respectfully at him.

Still unsure, the fiery pelted tom nodded his head at him before a voice caught his attention "YEEEEAH ! DADDY IS THE NEW DEPUTY !" Goldenkit's squeal of happiness caused everyone and even Dovestar to laugh in amusement. Stormkit and Featherkit, Graystripe's kits, seemed equally happy for their father's friend as they cheered for him.

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