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Firestar was sitting on the Rock-pile, watching his Clan as they went back and forth in the camp while doing their business. The Skyclan Leader was no more the strong young cat he was... He was now old... and he knew that sooner he will join Starclan and hunt with them forever. He was now the last one of his generation as his longtime friend Graystripe died a week ago of old age. His own mate, Creampelt had died but not of age... but to an illness.

He remembered the moment she left him to join their Warrior Ancestors and he couldn't wait to see her again as he missed her deeply. His mother, Brownleaf and Russetpelt also died a long time ago... His kits had grown considerably and were now proud Warriors of Skyclan : Flamekit became Flamefeather ; Redkit became Redfur ; Leafkit became Leafpelt and his son Bravekit became Braveheart.

All four of them had a family of their own and he was really proud of them. In addition, Goldenpaw, his beloved adoptive daughter, had received her Warrior Name 2 moons after he and his group returned from their Mission in the Forest Territories. She was now known as Goldendawn and she later became mate with Sootpelt (previously Sootpaw). Like her younger siblings, the pale yellow molly founded a family of her own.

Now ,many seasons later, Firestar was weaker that what he was before but he was still the wise Leader Skyclan grew to respect and love. His family loved him dearly and his great-kits adored him... He had what he always wanted and felt a pang of sadness at the mere idea of leaving them behind.

Something that surprised him was Tawnypaw. The former Thunderclan Apprentice grew accustomed to her life the among Skyclan Cats and formed a strong bond with his son Braveheart... to the point that the two became mate. She received the name Tawnypelt at the same time that Goldendawn.

Feathertail and Stormfur , Graystripe's kits, also founded a family on their own with Whitecloud and Nightfall respectively. Cloudtail and Brightheart had both joined the Elders a few moons ago as they were starting to feel their ages. Nightfur, his first Deputy, had died 8 moons after the fight with Bloodclan and he chose Addereye who lasted many seasons before ultimately joining the elders (he later died in his sleep).

5 moons ago, Firestar chose his son Braveheart as the new Deputy and surprisingly, no one protested as the young tom was loved and respected by everyone. Back to present, the calm atmosphere was soon broken by an evil laugh which echoed in the camp. All Cats looked at the top of the gorge to see a large dark brown tabby tom with amber eyes. But what surprised them all was that he had a dark aura around him and he almost looked transparent.

Regardless, Firestar looked at the tom with horror as his shocked face turned into one of disgust and rage "TIGERSTAR !" he shouted out loudly which caused everyone present to look at him with disbelief. "Firestar !" his nemesis hissed back, showing him in this simply world, all the hatred he had toward the bright-flame colored tom.

" How can you be here ? Scourge killed you !" Firestar asked him with narrowed eyes as he went back to stood on his full size , glaring daggers at his enemy. "He did ! And Starclan sent me in the Dark Forest for my 'crimes' ! I swore to get my revenge on you and now the time as come for me to end you... once and fall all !" The dark brown tabby tom explained with a sneer as he jumped into the camp.

He was instantly surrounded by the whole Clan who all snarled at him. "If you want our Leader ! You will have to go through us first !" Flamefeather hissed at the newcomer and yowls of agreement echoed behind her. Her siblings stood at her side , glaring daggers at the tabby. Braveheart was as big as Tigerstar and was about to challenge him in combat but was interrupted by his father who came closer "Everyone step aside ! This is between him and me !" around him the Cats protested but ,after seeing that their Leader wouldn't back down, they reluctantly obeyed and stepped backward.

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