Chapter 11 : Ceremonies and Surprise

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Two moons passed since Fireheart and Creampelt declared their loves for each other and recently became official mate. Of course, the whole Skyclan was happy for the two especially Russetpelt, Brownleaf and Sandpelt. Goldenkit , for her part, was overjoyed to hear that and even started to call Fireheart 'Daddy' much to his surprise and joy as he loved this little fur-ball.

Graystripe was also really happy for his best friend even if it wasn't a surprise for the two to become mate. When the lovers announced the new, the dark gray tom teasingly shouted " Finally ! You sure took your time !" Of course, the entire Clan had laughed at this little joke except the lovebirds who glared at him.

At the same time , Mistpaw ( Snowpelt's apprentice) , a gray and white molly with blue eyes , received her Warrior Name and was now known as Mistfur. The new made Warrior looked proud of her achievement but Fireheart had noticed the look of sadness when she looked at her old den-mates.

Speaking of apprentices, Crowpaw , Brightpaw and Cloudpaw were soon ready to become Warriors and their mentors planned to test them one last time before speaking to Dovestar, the Clan Leader. Two kits were also old enough to become apprentice : Darkkit and Nightkit. Darkkit was a pale gray tom with darker stripes and golden eyes while Nightkit was black she-cat with a white spot on her chest and leaf green eyes.

The first one was Robinfeather's son and the latter was Sweetwhisher's daughter. Fireheart was wondering to himself who will be their mentors. Of all the Warriors only Addereye, Brownleaf, Russetpelt, Foxclaw, Darkcloud and Graystripe were available. The bright-flame colored tom hoped that those two would never become Foxclaw and Darcloud's apprentices as they would surely be trained to hate the former Thunderclanners.

Right now the bright-flame colored tom was eating a rabbit next to Graystripe who was feasting on a vole. The dark gray tom just came back from a morning patrol with Snowpelt and Addereye along with Mistfur. Fireheart , for his part, was about to talk with Weaselpelt and Lynxclaw about their apprentices. He was confident that the trio were trained enough to be Warriors as it had been a long time since they became apprentice. (note : Crowpaw had the same age than the other two).

The fiery pelted tom was proud of his apprentice : he had caused him many problems in the past but he was a courageous and loyal cat. Princess , his sister, would be proud of her son and Fireheart's heart clenched in sadness. He loved his adoptive family (Nutmeg and Princess) and he missed them greatly.

Shaking his head to get rid of those thoughts, he looked over at Graystripe who just finished his vole " What are you going to do now old friend ?" The dark gray tom looked at him "Well... I think I will watch my kits for a while..." he responded almost nonchalantly. Graystripe always staid around his kits even when they were Queens to watch them. The dark gray tom refused to let them out of his sight for too long.

Fireheart understood why he acted like this and he couldn't blame him. Graystripe was still heart-broken by Silverstream's death and he didn't want to lose someone he loved again. The bright-flame colored snorted amusingly to himself when he remembered that his longtime friend acted the same when he and Silverstream were dating behind everyone's back moons ago.

"What about you ?" Graystripe asked him curiously before adding teasingly "Will you pass some time with your girlfriend ?~". Fireheart's cheeks reddened at those words but he glared at his longtime friend whose whiskers twitched in amusement "I DO hate you sometimes ! But no... I have to speak with Lynxclaw and Weaselpelt..."

THAT took Graystripe's curiosity as he asked with a raise-brow "What for ?" "I think our apprentices are ready to become Warriors... but I need their opinions before sharing this with Dovestar..." Fireheart responded as he saw the two mollies eating not too far from them. " Cloudpaw , Brightpaw and Crowpaw are more than ready.... They are excellent hunters and fighters now !" Graystripe remarked with a smile.

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