Chapter 7 : Skyclan !

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Fireheart and the rest of his group were still following Weaselpelt as she leaded through Skyclan's territory. The brown and white molly was currently chatting happily with Creampelt and the fire pelted tom decided to leave them alone. He was glad that their journey was over but deep inside him, he was still worried that Skyclan would drive them out because they were once members of Thunderclan, one of the four Clans who chased their ancestors out of the Forest Territories Moons ago.

He looked toward his longtime friend, Graystripe, who looked back at him with the same look of worry in his yellow eyes. Brightpaw and Cloudpaw were too busy chatting with Crowpaw ( Weaselpelt's apprentice) to notice their elders' look while the kits were looking around in amazement. After all, the group were passing near an abandoned barn which looked completely deserted. " What is that place ?" Featherkit asked as she looked at the destroyed building with curiosity.

" Two-Legs used to live there but one day they left.... It was abandoned since then...until rats came..." Creampelt explained gently to the silver she-kit before Weaselpelt added proudly "They tried to kill our ancestors but we managed to defeat them all !" "Rats are a pain for all Cats..." Fireheart added calmly and the brown and white Skyclan Warrior nodded at him before leading the group away.

" Skyclan suffered a lot..." The bright-flame pelted tom turned his head to see his best friend muttering to himself " They were kicking out of the forest by the Four Clans... had to travel for a long time... fight off rats..." Graystripe muttered softy and thankfully, Weaselpelt was out of earshot. Fireheart approached his longtime friend before nudging his shoulder with his nose "I know... and I won't blame them if they became hostile to us..." The dark gray tom nodded in agreement.

They walked for a few minutes before reaching a place that left them speechless . Weaselpelt and Creampelt saw their surprises and pure in amusement "Welcome in Skyclan !" the brown and white molly said as she looked at her home. Fireheart's wide green eyes examined the place with attention : in front of them was a deep rocky gorge where a stream was trickling through it.

There were also many caves which was maybe used by Skyclan's members as Dens or refuges.

There was also a tall rocky clutter of stones at the center of the gorge and the bright-flame pelted tom was wondering what is served for. The entire group could see some cats passing before their eyes and they were wondering who was Skyclan's Leader and Deputy. "Come on follow me !" Weaselpelt inquired as she started to enter the gorge followed by her apprentice Crowpaw who stopped chatting with Cloudpaw and Brightpaw.

The former Thunderclan's members were a bit hesitant but Creampelt looked at them encouragingly "Everything would be fine...I assume you~" Goldenkit then looked at her mother expectantly "Can you carry me please Mommy ?" "Of course dear~" the large cream furred molly purred as she picked her daughter up by the scruff of her neck before beginning to climb down the gorge.

Fireheart looked at Graystripe who had picked up his daughter Featherkit in his mouth and gently , the flame colored tom lowered his head down to pick up Stormkit. The dark gray tom blinked at his longtime friend gratefully before the two made their way down the gorge quickly followed by Cloudpaw and Brigthpaw.

However as the group approached, a white she-cat mewled loudly which caused the others cats present to look at the coming newcomers. Instantly, the Skyclan Warriors formed a defensive line between the intruders and the Queens , Kits and Elders, hissing menacingly. The air was suddenly really tense as the two groups were looking at each other , waiting.

Fireheart understood that they were waiting for their Leader's order and gestured for his comrades to stay calm. Suddenly, a large gray tom with amber eyes stepped out of the line of hissing felines to look at a certain brown and white molly "Weaselpelt what is the meaning of this ? Why did you brig rogues into our camp ?!" he asked her in a stern tone.

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