Chapter 4 : Whitestorm and Barley's barn

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Fireheart was the first one to wake up the next day. He opened his maw , exposing his sharp fangs as he yawned softy. Slowly, he got up before using his left paw to nudge the dark gray form of Graystripe , still sleeping peacefully near Fireheart's nest. "Come on sleepyhead its time !" The fire pelted tom inquired softy to his friend who grumbled tiredly before waking up.

Yawning loudly, Graystripe looked up and his yellow eyes locked into green ones "It is morning already ?" Fireheart chuckled in response "Yes let's wake the others..." the bright-flame colored Warrior replied as he stepped out of the bushes they were sleeping under. Fireheart closed his eyes as he stretched his muscular body, purring at the warm feeling of the Sun against his flame colored fur.

"Are you done ?" Graystripe said as he looked at his friend with a playful roll of his eyes. Fireheart grunted but then he approached Cloudpaw and Brightpaw silently. The two apprentices were pressed against each other , sleeping peacefully. The bright-flame colored tom then lowered his head down when he stopped in front of them before saying half-loudly half-softy "Time to make up you two !"

At those words, Brightpaw was the first one to get up and she looked fearful for a moment but quickly calmed down when she saw Fireheart standing in front of her. Cloudpaw was the last of the two to get up but he did...though groggily. "Don't tell me its morning already ?!" the white apprentice complained tiredly as his blue eyes looked at his mentor. His behavior caused the other two to snort in amusement.

" Yes it is and did you forget what day it is ?" The flame furred tom asked his apprentice with a serious tone but amusement clear in his emerald green eyes. Cloudpaw stared at his mentor blankly for a second but soon a flash of remembrance appeared in his blue eyes " Oh ! Its today we leave right ?! " the white apprentice asked with eagerness as he jumped out of his nest .

Amused by his nephew's antics, Fireheart chuckled before responding "Indeed ! Now go get yourself some preys at the pile !" he ordered them as the bright-flame tom used the tip of his tail to point at the bundles of herbs Cinderpelt gave them the day before. They needed to eat those plants even the kits.

Fireheart watched as Cloudpaw and Brightpaw approached the pile before making his way toward the soon-to-be-abandoned nursery before taking a look outside. Creampelt was laying on her nest with Stormkit, Featherkit and Goldenkit cuddled against her soft tummy. All of them were sleeping peacefully and for a moment, the fire pelted tom wanted to let them stay this way but sadly he couldn't.

Taking a deep breath, Fireheart gathered all his courage to approach the sleeping Queen and kits . He remembered that day when Graystripe was the one waking up the large cream furred molly and couldn't but feeling a bit worried. The dark gray tom had accidentally stepped on the she-cat's tail and she pinned him down angrily on the ground. Graystripe had coughed dirt for a long time after she decided to release him and the yellow eyed tom's gray fur was covered in dust.

Fireheart , too be sure to not make the same mistake, contoured the nest so he wouldn't step on her large fluffy tail. For the moment, nothing bad happened which was good. The bright-flame colored tom stopped when he was just in front of Creampelt's sleeping face and slowly, he lowered his head down before whispering softy "Creampelt it is time..."

Sadly it didn't work so Fireheart had to use another he would surely regret later. He used the tip of his tail to tickle the large molly's nose and after a few seconds , Creampelt sneezed softy. Then she went back to sleep much to Fireheart's chagrin. So he tickled her nose again and this time , it seemed to work. She sneezed louder and because of the still tickling sensation of her nose, she woke up.

When her sky blue eyes landed on Fireheart , she seemed pleased at first but soon her pleasant look turned into a frown as she growled "Fireheart..." "Y-Yes ?" The bright-flame colored tom asked with a bit of fear at the anger present in the large cream colored molly's eyes "Did you just tickled my nose ? Twice ?" she asked him calmly but the anger still evident in her tone and eyes. " I did.... But It was just to wake you up !" Fireheart responded as he slowly backed away

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