Chapter 6 : The End of a Long Journey and Rescue

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It had been days since the group left Barley and Ravenpaw's barn to find Skyclan's territory. During this long journey , they passed though farmlands and Two-Legs Dens , encountering many obstacles such as Dogs or Rogues Cats . They were all tired but thankfully no one was sick or injured as they kept searching for Creampelt's Clan.

Speaking of the large cream furred Queen, she was leading the group as they followed the river flowing at their side. Fireheart was just behind her as he looked around cautiously for any threat that would endanger them especially the kits. Graystripe and Cloupaw were guarding each side of the group in a protective manner as Brightpaw had the kits gathered around her. They were now in territories far beyond that everything they knew....far from Clans hostile areas where everything could happen.

As he walked, Fireheart was deep in thought as he let out a deep sigh : he missed the Forest dearly but he along with his comrades couldn't go back. Despise his sadness through, the bright-flame pelted tom was a bit curious about this unknown fifth Clan and couldn't help but being a bit worried : Skyclan had a comprehensible grudge against the other Clans and surely won't be very happy to see FOUR former Thunderclan Warriors on their territory.

Shaking his head to get rid of his worry, Fireheart thought about the other subject that had been bothering him for a long time now . Since he learned that Nutmeg wasn't his real mother, he was always wondering about WHO was the she-cat who gave birth to him and why did she abandoned him...and if she didn't then where was she ? At first , he tried to forgot about this but sadly, since the first night after the beginning of this journey , the fire pelted tom had some strange dreams , always the same one, and even now he couldn't understand what it meant.

( Flashback )

The group decided to stop as night was starting to show up. It had been hours since they left Ravenpaw and Barley and they were all tired. Their bodies hatched but maybe a good rest would help a little. They made some nest under a large bush of brambles , the thorns were pretty sharp so they would protect them from any threats. Graystripe was the first one to fall asleep as his dark gray fur was pressed against Fireheart's , while Cloudpaw and Brightpaw were as usual sleeping together in the same nest.

Creampelt had a nest of her own but all kits were cuddled against her warm belly as she wrapped her fluffy tail around them in a protective manner. Fireheart watched this with a smile on his face and Creampelt seemed to notice because she looked back at him with a warm smile. The two of them looked at their comrades who were all sleeping peacefully , snoring softy or loudly in Graystripe's case."Goodnight Fireheart~" the large cream furred molly whispered gently to the bright-flame colored tom who responded back softy "Goodnight Creampelt".

At this, the Queen putted her head on her front-paws , closing her eyes with a soft sigh before soon falling asleep. Fireheart staid awake for a moment as he watched the stars but then he lowered his head down before closing his eyes and let tiredness overpowering him. However, he was unaware of what will happen that night.

He saw himself in a strange cave he never saw before. He smelled the air and recognized the smell that Creampelt had on her fur. The smell of Skyclan . He wanted to speak but a mewl escaped from his own mouth and when he looked down at himself , he wanted to yowl in shock at what he saw : his legs were shorter than usual and even if he was standing on his full size, it seemed that his nose was barely a tail-length from the ground.

He understood the situation instantly as he suddenly froze with a look of stupor on his face"I'm a kit ?!" The bright flame pelted tom wanted to yell in panic when he saw a large form (front his new perspective ) shifting beside him.

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