Chapter 22 : Confrontations and Coming War

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Firestar was laying down among the grasses , currently sharing a piece of prey ( a rabbit) with Graystripe as around them, the rest of the Skyclan Cats were either sharing tongues or chatting. It had been four days since his talk with the other Leaders and their plans to devide Thunderclan and Bloodclan were made and ready to go.

"Firestar... When are we going to talk with this... what was his name again ? Scourge ?" the gray tom asked his Leader and long time friend as he licked his lips.

"We won't have to wait too long... The sooner this mission is done, the sooner we can go home..." The bright-flame pelted tom responded after swallowing a piece of meat. "You mean : the sooner its done, the sooner you can go back to your love~" Graysripe retorted with amusement and mischief. Firestar glared at him at those words but then sighed " Can you blame me ? Creampelt must have gave birth and I was not there to..." "I know... " His friend interrupted him as he punched his Leader's shoulder friendly.

"I'm sure she would be fine Firestar ! If she really gave birth then I'm sure my apprentice took great care of her !" a new voice echoed near them and the two toms turned their heads to the right to see Kestrelfeather , their Medicine Cat, approaching them. The flame furred young Leader purred a greeting to his head who pressed her head against his ,purring back with affection.

"Firestar ! How long do we have to stay here ? This waiting is so BORING !" another voice, a masculine one, shouted to their left and the young Leader sighed deeply before responding " We will wait until its time Cloudtail ! I know you want to go back to Brightheart but for now, be patient !" The white long-furred young Warrior grumbled something under his breath and Croweye , his friend , shot him an amused glance.

Firestar knew that some of his Warriors where getting impatient but they had no choice but to wait... even if it was indeed, getting on their nerves. They had been here for a few days and nothing happened : no attacks, no threats, nothing... As if neither Tigerstar and his Clan nor Bloodclan were present. The lack of actions from their enemies were surprising many in fact but they couldn't let their guards down.

However, he was pulled out his thoughts when someone bursted into their 'camp' in panic. The Skyclan Cats formed a line as they hissed at whoever came but all of them calmed down when they realized it was none other than Onewhisker. The brown tom seemed exhausted and the smell of fear was radiating from him "Onewhisker ! What's going on ?" Firestar asked his Windclan Friend with concern. The last time he had seen him like this was when Shadowclan and Riverclan attacked their camp days after he and Graystripe escorted Windclan back to their territory.

"Firestar ! You and your Warriors must come quickly !" Onewhisker managed to say between deep breaths before adding "Tigerstar... Thunderclan... They are here ! And they brought Bloodclan with them !" The Skyclan Cats murmured to each other in surprise and Firestar's emerald eyes were wide in shock : why Tigerstar decide to come now of all times ? But then he regained his composure before saying in a stern and firm tone "Onewhisker lead the way ! Skyclan with me !"

The Windclan Cat instantly turned back to rush toward his Clan's camp and he was quickly followed by Firestar and his troop. As they approached, the Skyclan's Leader's fur bristled as he recognized the strong voice of his nemesis "I give you one more chance to join me ! If you don't then all of you... will die !" Firestar growled at hearing this and he could hear some of his Warriors, especially Graystripe and Cloudtail doing the same.

"We will NEVER join you Tigerstar ! You are cruel and bloodthirsty ! I would rather DIE than join you , you fox-dung !" Tallstar's voice responded with in a snarl. "And what do you think Leopardstar ? Nightstar ? Are you both foolish enough to try to challenge me ?" Tigerstar asked the Riverclan and Shadowclan Leader with a hint of menace in his tone.

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