Chapter 10 : Confession

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Fireheart woke up with a soft yawn as he slowly got up from his nest. Stretching his body , the young tom padded out of the Warriors' Den to look at the camp. Days passed since Dovestar , Skyclan's Leader, allowed him and his group to join her Clan and since then, Life had been kinda peaceful for the former Thunderclanners.

Graystripe's kits , Stormkit and Featherkit, became close friends with the others kits especially to Foxkit and Sootki. Their mother Ambershine , a pretty amber molly with sky blue eyes, was always eager to let her kits play with them. The others Queens , Robinfeather and Sweetwhisker, acted the same with their respective kits.

Robinfeather was a dark ginger molly with amber eyes who was the mother of a cute little dark she-cat with leaf-green eyes named Nightkit. Sweetwhisker, for her part, was a silver tabby molly with amber eyes who mothered Darkkit, a pale gray tom with darker stripes and golden eyes.

Goldenkit , Creampelt's daughter, grew equally accustomed to life in Skyclan and was loved by everyone. Still, she was still acting shy around others except for Fireheart , Graystripe , Cloudpaw , Brightpaw , Stormkit and Featherkit. Despise having friends to play with, the small yellow she-kit sometimes played with the bright-flame colored tom and he never complained as he always had time for this little furball he grew to love as if she was his own daughter.

Cloudpaw and Brightpaw , for their parts, managed to befriend some Skyclan apprentices particularly Crowpaw , Weaselpelt's apprentice. The fire pelted tom was glad the three got along so well as he remembered his own time as apprentice. Seeing those three reminded him of all the good times he had with Graystripe (Graypaw back there) and Ravenpaw.

Fireheart sighed deeply in nostalgia as he missed this time of happiness and recklessness. Shaking his head to clear his mind, he decided to look around. Dovestar was eating a vole near Snowpelt , a white molly with amber eyes , and Nightfur , a black tabby tom with green eyes. Both of them were senior Warriors and Fireheart grew to respect them as they reminded him of Whitestorm back in Thunderclan.

Not too far, a group of 4 Cats was leaving the gorge surely for patrolling the territory. During the first days, Fireheart and his group (less the kits ) get to explore the new area thanks to both Weasepelt and Creampelt. Speaking of the brown and white molly, she became close with both Graystripe and the bright-flame colored tom as she got to know them a little better.

The Skyclan Cats seemed to like them and Fireheart was still surprised by this as he remembered that the Four Clans had 'exiled' them from the Forest Territories. Only two Cats still didn't fully accepted them : Darkcloud (a gray tom with amber eyes) and Foxclaw ( a dark ginger tom ) . Each time, they came near them, they barred their teeth menacingly , hissed at them or simply muttered insults. Now , the two of them tried their best to avoid the former Thunderclan Warriors. Why ? Because one day , Graystripe got mad and attacked them out of anger.

Of course, Fireheart went to help his longtime friend and fought against Foxclaw while Graystripe took care of Darkcloud. The whole Skyclan Cats surrounded them to watch the fight but it quickly stopped when a certain pale gray she-cat with green eyes stepped in. At the sound of her voice, the fighters stopped dead in their tracks , glaring at each others. Fireheart and Graystripe were standing side by side , their furs covered in dust and some claw-marks.

Darkcloud and Foxclaw received more wounds that they gave. The two bullies were standing before their adversaries , panting loudly. Dovestar had lectured all of them sternly but , when Addereye ( a tortoiseshell tom with green eyes) explained the reason of the fight , the Skyclan Leader punished Darkcloud and Foxclaw by having the two of them take care of the Elders for a full moon.

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