Chapter 15 : Surprise from the Past

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A warm breeze brushed against his fur as Firestar patrolled the borders of Skyclan Territory. He decided to go alone so he could thought about what happened in the previous days and so, he left his freshly designated Deputy to take care of the camp. He still couldn't believe the fact he was Skyclan's Leader and he was deeply honored by his new functions.

But then his heart clenched as the memory of Dovestar ( the previous Leader) and the pain of loosing her deepened. The pale gray furred molly was noble and honorable as she had the kindness to allow him and his comrades to join her Clan despise being members of one of the Clans who chased their ancestors from the Forest many seasons ago.

So far the fiery pelted tom enjoyed his life in his adoptive Clan but deep down he still missed Thunderclan. He had goods friends among the other Clans and he wondered if they were fine. Firestar knew Tigerstar would NEVER live in peace with the other three Clans but he couldn't do anything about it. It wasn't his problem anymore.

It had been MOONS since he last saw the Forest Territories and he had a Clan to take care of now. He couldn't just go back and leave Skyclan behind. No... But there was another reason why he wouldn't go back : after all, in the Forest, he was seen as nothing more than a kittypet by many. Of course there were some exceptions (Tallstar, Onewhisker, Mistyfoot , Whitestorm, Littlecloud ...). Everyday he had to prove he was their equal but it seemed like a lost cause.

Here in Skyclan, he was another cat and got everything he wanted : the respect of his Clan-mates, a loving family... Why would he want to go back ? As for Graystripe, he couldn't go back because he was still considered as a traitor thanks to his forbidden relationship with Silverstream, Crookedstar's daughter. Leopardfur, the Riverclan's Deputy, still hold a grudge against them because of Whiteclaw's death and must be glad to not have them around anymore.

Cloudtail ,for his part, had no reasons to go back either. After all, he was known as a trouble-maker back in Thunderclan and most of the Clans saw him as nothing but another kittypet. Soon, the long white furred tom would have a family on his own with the she-cat he loved. Like his Uncle, he wasn't treated as a kittypet but as a normal member of a Clan. Sure Brindleface must miss him dearly but she must be the only one.

Brightheart missed her family and was pained to have left them but she didn't regretted her decision to follow them in their exile. Here she gained many friends and was loved by everyone in the Clan and soon she would have kits of her own. Firestar knew she was excited to have her first litter as she remembered the fact she helped Creampelt to raised Featherpaw, Stormpaw and Goldenpaw back when they were innocent kits.

Firestar took a deep breath as he then caught the scent of a rabbit nearby. He crouched down and silently stalked the rodent who didn't saw him...until it was far too late. The fire pelted tom pounced on his prey, pinned it down before snapping its neck, killing it. Firestar then picked the dead body before walking back to camp. He had finished his patrol anyway.

As he walked, he remembered what one of his patrol discovered two days ago at the border near Two-Legs Dens : the dead body of a former Skyclan Warrior who was willingly chose to leave the Clan.... Darkcloud. Addereye and his patrol were the ones who found his body and from what he heard, he was killed by a Dog judging by the scent.

They buried his body exactly where they found it before returning back to camp to tell the news. Of course, no one seemed to care much about their former Clan-mates and they simply ignored it. Darkcloud was not a well-liked member of the Clan anyway...especially since Firestar and the rest of the former Thunderclanners joined Skyclan.

Sootpaw, Darkcloud's apprentice, wasn't even sad for his former mentor and gladly enjoyed being Nightfur's apprentice. Firestar grew fond of the gray apprentice and he wouldn't mind him being with his adoptive daughter Goldenpaw.

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