Chapter 8 : Acceptance and Family Reunited

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After a long time of discussion , Dovestar re-appeared along with Hawkfeather and the other two . She looked serious as she walked through the crowd before jumping on a pile of boulders where the river appeared. Then the pale gray she-cat with green eyes said in a loud tone " Let all cat old enough to catch their own prey join here beneath the Rock-pile for a Clan meeting!"

At those words, the entire Clan approached the pile along with Fireheart and his group and when everyone were sitting around the Rock-pile, Dovestar said those words " I talked with my seniors Warriors and we came to an agreement..." the pale gray she-cat looked first at Creampelt then at the former Thunderclanners with a calm look on her face " Creampelt ! Are you sure your friends can be trusted ?"

The large cream furred molly nodded without hesitation "They are Dovestar ! One more than the others though~" Creampelt responded as she eyed Fireheart with a warm smile. The bright-flame pelted tom looked away in embarrassment and this behavior earned a soft chorus of snickers coming from the crowed cats especially from Graystripe and Cloudpaw.

Dovestar's whiskers twitched with amusement before replying "Well then... Those Cats are free to join us as full members of Skyclan !" then the pale gray she-cat looked at Fireheart and Graystripe "Both of you are already Warriors... But you are free to either change your name or keep it..." "In memory of my mentor Bluestar I humbly to keep my name !" the bright-flame colored tom responded without hesitation as his green eyes looked up at Skyclan's Leader with a solemn look on his face.

" I want to keep my name as well ! In respect for my mentor Lionheart !" Graystripe inquired as he looked up at Dovestar solemnly but with a hint of sadness in his yellow eyes. Hearing the name of his friend's mentor, Fireheart felt a pang of sadness as he remembered the golden tabby tom with his thick fur which looked like a Lion's mane. The bright-flame pelted tom remembered the Golden Warrior's kindness and his wisdom.

Sadly the old Warrior died during an attack of Shadowclan back when he and Graystripe were apprentice. He looked at his friend with sympathy knowing that the dark gray tom missed his mentor as much as him. Dovestar nodded her head in respect at their choices "Alright then... Cloudpaw ?" she asked as she looked at the young white tom with blue eyes " You are Fireheart's apprentice right ?" When Cloudpaw nodded, she added with a soft smile as she saw the worry in the young tom's eyes " Ten you can keep your mentor... "

At those words, Cloudpaw sighed in relief while Dovestar's green eyes landed on Brightpaw " I assume you are Graystripe's apprentice ?" The white and ginger apprentice shook her head in denial "No... My mentor was a senior Warrior named Whitestorm..." the young molly responded shyly " Well then... I have to give you a new mentor then..." Dovestar inquired softy as she looked at her Clan-mates.

" Lynxclaw ! You are ready to take an apprentice as you have received an excellent training from Hawfeather and you have shown yourself to be cunning and strong ! You will be the new mentor of Brightpaw and I expect you to pass on all you know to that apprentice !" Dovestar said solemnly after a moment of silence . When she finished talking, a large beige-white furred molly with dark brown spots slowly approached Brightpaw. The white and ginger apprentice seemed a bit scared of the newcomer but she quickly calmed down when the Skyclan Warrior smiled gently at her "Don't worry I won't bite~" Lynxclaw inquired with a playful wink.

More relaxed, Brightpaw touched her new mentor's nose with her own and all Cats cheered them loudly until Dovestar lifted her tail to demand silence. When everyone calmed down, the pale gray she-cat looked at the former Thunderclanners with a smile "Welcome in Skyclan !" she told them solemnly and the four former Thunderclan cats bowed their heads respectfully at her.

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