Chapter 17 : Hard Decision

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"So what do you plan to do ?" Graystripe asked his longtime friend with a raise-brow as he and Firestar were sharing a piece of prey together. The gray tom just came back from his training session with his apprentice Foxpaw and the young Leader pulled his friend aside so they could talk in private. When they were out of earshot, Firestar revealed to his best friend what Addereye's patrol discovered earlier in the day.

Graystripe had been shocked to hear that MISTYFOOT of all Cats was all the way out here , far from the Clans Territory and was horrified when Firestar told him what the blue-gray molly revealed to him when the two of them were alone in Kestrelfeather's den.

"To be honest I don't know... I mean as much as I am concerned about our friends back there, its not really my problem anymore..." The fiery pelted Leader responded uneasily and his comrade nodded in response " I know its not but... It doesn't feel right for us to just leave them suffer like this...."

Deep down, Firestar was feeling the same : he really wanted to help but why should he ? After all, the Clans always looked at him with disdain because of his 'heritage' except a few minority such as Mistyfoot ,Onewhisker or Tallstar. Here in Skyclan, he was respected and loved and soon he would have a family to take care of.

" I know.... Believe me I know..." Firestar whispered as he sighed deeply. Graystripe looked at his longtime comrade with compassion as he shared exactly the same thought. "What do you plan to say to the Clan about.... Well....this ?" "I don't know.... But I think I should tell them now.... It will some time before Mistyfoot will be fully healed..."

"Alright then.... Good luck with that..." The gray tom said the last part with a playful grin but it quickly disappeared when Firestar cuffed his head with his paw. Grumbling something which sounded like 'grumpy leader', Graystripe padded away before the fiery pelted tom could cuff him again.

Rolling his emerald eyes at his friend's antics, Firestar climbed on top of Rock-pile before taking a deep breath. Then he opened his mouth to let out the familiar words everyone known "Let's all cats old enough to catch their own prey join here beneath the Rock-pile for a Clan meeting !" As he finished the call, Skyclan Cats appeared from all around the camp before sitting before him, forming a half-circle around the Rock-Pile.

Firestar patiently watched as the Clan gathered around him : his daughter Goldenpaw was sitting beside Sootpaw while looking up at him with her usual cute little face. His apprentice Featherpaw was near her comrade Whitepaw , Russetpelt's apprentice, while her brother Stormpaw had his body pressed against Nightpaw's fur who had a look of content on her face.

His nephew Cloudtail was sitting beside his mate Brightheart and Firestar could see her belly becoming bigger and bigger. "The kits will be born soon" He remarked silently to himself before his green eyes landed on someone he loved with all his heart : Creampelt.

The large cream furred molly was sitting beside her mother Sandpelt along with Firestar's own mothers , Brownleaf and Russetpelt. Creampelt's belly was also becoming larger and Firestar's heart melted at the prospect to have kits of his own. Sure he had Goldenpaw and he loved the pale yellow furred she-apprentice but she was not his by blood.

Creampelt looked up at her mate with nothing but pure love and Firestar smiled at her fondly before looking back at the rest of the Clan who were now all before him. "Skyclan ! I called you here so I could hear your opinion about an important matter !" The Cats of Skyclan listened patiently as their Leader spoke " This morning, Addereye's patrol came across a she-cat sleeping in our territory ! Some of you must have seen her earlier..."

When some members of the Clan nodded, he resumed " This she-cat is Mistyfoot a Riverclan Warrior..." he instantly regretted saying this small detail as the Clan started snarling and hissing in fury. They may have forgiven the former Thunderclanners but they still hold a grudge against the Clans.

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