Chapter 23 : New Allies

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Firestar was walking side by side with Tallstar, Leopardstar, and Nightstar along with their respective Deputies (Graystripe was also there because he insisted to come). The group was making its way toward Thunderclan Territory to see what those cats would do now that Tigerstar was no longer among the livings. 3 days have passed since Scourge killed the treacherous dark brown tom and since then, the Clan Leaders (minus Thunderclan) discussed about what they would do.

Without surprise, the choice was made unanimously : Skyclan, Riverclan, Shadowclan and Windclan will fight side by side against Bloodclan. Firestar had been proud to see 3 Clans, who always were rivals, agreeing working with one another. However, they didn't know what Thunderclan would do. After Tigerstar died , his Warriors returned back to their camp with Whitestorm at the lead.

Apart of Bloodclan, the other things that was currently found during conversations was about Tigerstar's death... The tom received nine lives but he died just once... Could it be that Starclan had denied him his lives ? Or did he really went to the Moonstone moons ago ? If Starclan never gave him their blessings then that's explain how Tigerstar died so quickly.

Anyway back to the present, as the group was making its way through Thunderclan Territory, Firestar couldn't help but having his mind filled with memories of the time he used to live there when Bluestar was still alive. A smile appeared on his face as he remembered the day when his old friend Ravenpaw caught a viper during a hunt.

"Are you alright Firestar ?" Graystripe asked him with a raise-brow when he saw the fond look on his friend's face "Huh ? OH don't worry Graystripe... I was just... reminiscing some good moments we had here..." The young Leader of Skyclan responded back as he glanced at his long time friend who nodded his head in understanding.

Graystripe was born and raised in Thunderclan. When he had been banished from his home, the dark gray tom was saddened and the only consolation he had was having his kits with him. Firestar, while not being born in Thunderclan, had enjoyed the time he passed there and he grew fond on some of the Cats like Whitestorm, Cinderpelt, Yellowfang...

His heart clenched at the memory of Yellowfang, the former Thunderclan Medicine Cat and before that, Shadowclan's . Sure , the grumpy she-cat had a sharp tongue but he grew fond of her after taking care of her back when he was still an apprentice of Thunderclan.

Shaking his head to get rid of those sweet/hard memories, Firestar glanced at the other members of the group and some of them harbored a look of faint hope in their eyes (even if some hidden it well). All of them were wondering what Thunderclan would do : flee for their lives or fight alongside the other Clans against their common enemies.

Now that Tigerstar was dead, they had no reasons to stay ally with Bloodclan. And thankfully now that Darkstripe was gone, Thunderclan will be far better that before. Speaking of the former Thunderclan Deputy... No one from Shadowclan, Riverclan and Windclan had heard about neither him nor Swiftwing. Longtail's former apprentice had decided to follow his Deputy in self-exile after Tigerstar's death.

Firestar frowned as he remembered the look Swiftwing sent to his nephew that day : hatred. Even now, he was wondering why Longtail's former apprentice seemed to dislike Cloudtail THAT much. After all, when the two of them were apprentices (before their banishment), the two seemed like close friends. What happened to Swiftwing during Tigerstar's short reign ?

He sighed deeply as he didn't have any answers for this question but then his attention returned back to Graystripe when the dark gray tom inquired calmly but with a tensed body "We're almost there..." Firestar looked ahead and his friend was right. A few meters away, was the entrance of the camp. It had been so long since the last time they saw it (The last time was when Tigerstar banished them all after Bluestar's death).

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