Chapter 14 : Banishment and Rise of a new Leader

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As the sun rose in the sky , announcing a bright new day, Fireheart stood next to the Rock-pile , his eyes clouded with sorrow as he looked at the dead body of a certain pale gray furred molly... His mind was reminding him the terrible truth : Dovestar , the majestic Leader of Skyclan. Two rows of cats were standing at each sides of the corpse and each of them had the same look of sorrow they arbored the previous day when Kestrelfeather told them the bad news.

Speaking of the Medicine Cat, she was standing near Dovestar's head , her tail coiled around her paws as she gazed at the one who had been her friend (despise the age difference). With a deep sigh, she looked at the Elders before nodding her head gravely. The oldest members of the Clan approached the dead body before gently picking it up and carrying it toward where it would rest forever.

"Goodbye Dovestar... I will never forget you..." Fireheart whispered softy to himself as he watched the Elders carrying the dead molly who had the kindness to let them join her Clan despise being once member of a Clan who chased Skyclan seasons ago. With a heavy sigh, he looked back at the Clan...his Clan... when the convoy was out of sight.

Some cats looked at him expectantly but others were still filled with sadness which he could understand. " Skyclan ! We may have lost Dovestar but we need to stay strong despise our loss... Dovestar was a noble Leader and she wouldn't want us to stay still and mourn for her... She would want us to move on !" was Fireheart's words to his Clan-mates who all looked at him the second he started talking.

When he finished, a murmur of agreement spread from the mass of furs in front of him and the fire pelted tom was glad his Clan agreed with him. But then someone stepped out of the crowd to face the Deputy : it was the familiar pelt of Darkcloud , a cat who hated him and his comrades deeply because they were members of Thunderclan.

"Who do you think you are to tell what Dovestar want ?! You are nothing but a Thunderclan Filth ! Dovestar was wrong to chose you as our Deputy !" Those words caused an uproar from the rest of the Clan who voiced their disagreement for the gray tom. However, Darkcloud ignored his Clan-mates as he glared up at Skyclan Deputy with burning eyes " Skyclan is doomed ! Now with you as our Leader , we are cursed by Starclan itself !"

Fireheart was looking down at the gray tom with nothing but pure anger as he unsheathed his claws. He was desperately forcing himself to not pounce of his Clan-mate to tear his fur apart. Then a stern voice echoed which caught everyone's attention " How do you know about Starclan's wills Darkcloud ? Nothing !" Kestrelfeather said in an angry tone as she stepped closer to stand near her nephew who nodded at her gratefully.

"Fireheart will be a better Leader than you could ever be Darkdirt !" Graystripe snarled furiously to the gray tom who glared back at him with fury "What did you just say ?!" "I said Darkdirt !" In response, Darckloud went into a pouncing position but the second he was about to, something crashed against his side sending the gray tom into dust. As he got up , his amber eyes looked at the one who was responsible of this : Foxclaw.

The dark ginger tom was barring his teeth in disappointment " Attacking each other is forbidden by the Warrior Code Darkcloud ! Did you forget it ?!" The gray tom sneered with an evil grin as he slowly got up to face Foxclaw "Why would I follow the Warrior Code now that our noble Clan is running down because of that Filth !" Darkcloud hissed the last part with a face twisted with hatred for the bright flame colored Deputy.

"Apologize to my father !" Goldenpaw snarled angrily as she approached the gray tom. Fireheart felt proud for his adoptive daughter : Darkcloud was twice bigger than the recent-made apprentice but she staid strong despise this minor detail. No doubt she would be great Warrior one day.

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