Chapter 16 : Shadows of the Past

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Firestar was in the Medicine Cat's Den , sitting before a nest where Mistyfoot was currently resting. Soon after he recognized her, he called for Kestrelfeather and he escorted the Riverclan Warrior all the way to where they were. "Is she alright ?" The Skyclan Leader asked his aunt as she examined her patient.

The brown molly eyed her nephew with a reassuring smile on her face "She will be fine Firestar don't worry.... All she need is food and some rests..." The fiery pelted Leader sighed deeply in relief before looking back at Mistyfoot who was looking at him with shock "Firestar ?" she asked him questioningly.

The fire colored tom nodded at her before looking at his Aunt "Could you leave us for a moment ?" Kestrelfeather looked back and forth between the two before nodding. Silently, she stepped out of her den , leaving the two behind. With a deep sigh, Firestar looked back at the Riverclan Warrior and was to say something but she beat him to it "So that's where you were during all this time ?" she asked him curiously , her blue eyes scanning him with interest.

"For some moons yes... Graystripe is here as well...along with his kits..." He instantly regret saying as she saw the shock in her eyes "Silverstream's kits are here ?! Are they alright ?!" "Yes they are ! The two of them are now apprentices..." He calmly responded and his answer seemed to satisfy her because her tense body became more relaxed.

" How are you alive ? Tigerstar told everyone you were dead !" Mistyfoot announced in disbelief and his eyes widened in surprise by this and asked " What do you mean ?" Internally, he knew that it was another lie from his longtime enemy but he needed some answers.

Mistyfoot took a deep breath before explaining " A few moons ago, during a Gathering, Tigerstar told us about the rogues and the death of Bluestar..... But he also said that you and Graystripe died fighting the intruders as was your apprentice ...Cloudpaw was it ?" He nodded " Some of us were shocked by the news but they were some who seemed relieved to not have you around..."

Mistyfoot ,at the last part, sent a hesitant glance at the fiery pelted Leader who only stood there, calmly. Firestar was not really surprised : he knew some cats in the other Clans (along from his former Clan) despised him so it wasn't a great shock. When she saw he was still calm, she resumed her explanation " Tigerstar also tell us about the death of Graystripe's kits by one of the rogues... I was devastated... Stonepelt tried to comfort me but..." she shook her head, as if she was trying to get rid of a dis-pleasant memory.

"Tallstar seemed devastated as well when he heard about your death...In fact, the majority of Windclan looked sad..." At those words, Firestar internally smiled : Tallstar had always been friendly toward him because he looked just like the black-and-white tom's old friend Jake.

But his thoughts were interrupted by a certain blue furred molly who asked " How come are you here ?" Firestar looked back at her before sighting "Its a long story.... But it began after Bluestar's death..." he began to say before explaining what happened to them to the very beginning : their banishment from Thunderclan, the meeting with Creampelt, the journey and the discovery of his true heritage.

Mistyfoot had staid silent for the whole time, her mind was processing what he just explained. When Firestar finished his story, she still staid silent. Worried, he finally inquired "Are you alright Mistyfoot ?" She looked up at him after those words "Yes its just... I don't understand why Tigerstar would lie to everyone... What would he gain ?" "Tigerstar is a murderer, a traitor and untrustworthy cat !" Firestar snarled in anger which completely shocked the Riverclan molly as she looked back at him with wide eyes.

"What do you mean ? Tigerstar is a brute I admit but... Aren't you going a bit too far ?" she asked him with a confused raise-brow which caused him to snort in disgust. "Tigerstar is not what everyone think he is... He killed Redtail during a fight with Riverclan to become Deputy... Later he tried to kill his apprentice Ravenpaw because he saw what he did... I stopped counting how many times he tried to kill me... and he killed Bluestar after leading the rogues STRAIGHT into our camp !"

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