Chapter 19 : Departure and Reunion

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Firestar woke up the next morning with a soft yawn as he slowly got up, trying his best to not wake the she-cat sleeping peacefully at his side. His green eyes looked at the large cream furred molly with nothing but pure love and he felt a pang of sadness at the mere idea of being separate from her. But he had to...

With a sigh, he gently lowered his head down to lick the top of her head before stepping out of the nursery as quietly as he could. The moment he stepped out, he couldn't retain a purr of content as the sunlight clashed against his flame colored pelt, warming him up. Then he looked at the camp and saw that almost everyone was up and among them, the cats he chose to come with him for the long journey to the Forest Territories.

Firestar slowly approached them as they were currently eating some prey from the fresh kill pile. Graystripe , who saw him coming, mewled a greeting as the dark gray tom was sharing a rabbit with Foxclaw "Good morning Firestar ! Are you ready to leave ?" he asked his leader and longtime friend with hesitation.

The bright-flame colored tom sighed deeply and glanced back at the nursery before looking back at his friend and answering "We will leave after everyone is awake..." he tried to avoid Graystripe's question as best as he could but it seems luck wasn't with him "No wanting to leave your mate huh ?" the dark gray tom teased with a grin.

Firestar glared back at him before smirking deviously as he said back "A bit hypocritical coming from you fur-ball don't you think ?~" Graystripe hissed at him back but didn't answer as he looked away. Knowing that he won, the young Leader triumphantly walked toward the fresh kill pile where he picked up a plump vole to himself.

But then he saw a big rabbit and he picked it up before making his way back to the nursery without making a sound. He peeked his head inside and thankfully, all Queens were still sleeping peacefully and , as quietly as he could, he made his way toward his mate before gently lowering the rabbit down just before her face.

It was at this moment that he noticed the figure sleeping next to Brightheart and it wasn't difficult to figure out who it was : no one had such long white fur except his nephew and former apprentice Cloudtail. The young Warrior must have chosen to sleep with his mate last night just like he did.

With one last look of love, Firestar picked up his vole before walking away toward Graystripe who gave him a look of pure amusement which he ignored as he attacked his breakfast. As he enjoyed his piece of prey, some members of the Clan started to appear from the caves (Except the Elders of course).

Among them, were the apprentices and some of them , particularly , the ones chosen to come approached the group after picking up their soon-to-be-meal. Firestar saw that among them were none other than Stormpaw, his sister Featherpaw and Goldenpaw.

The trio seemed a bit sad for not being able to come but they understood perfectly why. The young Leader, Graystripe and Creampelt made sure of it.

They might UNDERSTAND but it didn't mean that they LIKED it.

The youngest apprentices of the Clan were excited at the prospect of journeying and felt a bit left-apart when Firestar refused to let them come. Their friends ( and 'soon-to-be-lovers') were feeling sad for them as they too were disappointed to not be able to come. Sootpaw , who was among the chosen apprentice along with Darkpaw and Foxpaw, was a bit sad to not have them with him for this journey.

Goldenpaw approached her adoptive father before burying her face into his chest, purring. With a smile, he returned the affection but nuzzling the top of her head. They stood like this for a minute before Goldenpaw stepped back to look at him with sadness "Daddy do you really have to leave ?" Firestar looked back at her with the same look of sadness as he responded "I have too... I promised...But I will be back and never again I will leave you and your mother..." His words seemed to please her because she pressed her head against his just like when she was a kit.

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