Chapter 3 : Last day and Unexpected help

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Some weeks passed since their banishment but the ex-Thunderclanners were still healthy and strong. Fireheart was sharing a vole and a mouse with Graystripe who couldn't stop looking at his kits. Stormkit and Featherkit had grown a lot and where right now playing with Goldenkit , Creampelt's daughter.

The former members of Thunderclan along with the large cream furred molly tried their best to teach the kits about Clan's life. They had made a 'nursery' under some bushes in the garden so they could sleep outside the Two-leg Den

Right now, Creampelt was still sleeping in the nursery and the two Warriors were making sure that the kits wouldn't try to wake her up.

Brightpaw and Cloudpaw ,for their part, was always seen together and the white apprentice's mentor (Fireheart) was thinking that the two were more than just friends. As the two Warriors were eating their preys, Brightpaw was playing with the kits while Cloudpaw was watching her with a smile. Fireheart knew that Brightpaw couldn't wait to have her first litter as she seemed to have a way with kits and chuckled as he thought that her first litter would be likely with Cloudpaw.

"So when are we going to find this 'Skyclan' ?" Graystripe asked his longtime friend as they licked each other's fur "Tomorrow I think... The kits are all a moon old now but they will still need to be carried... " Fireheart responded after a minute of silence. The dark gray tom nodded in agreement "They'll be able to walk for a distance but not the one needed if our goal is far away..." The fire pelted tom nodded in approval "First of all, we should ask who wish to come... "

"I will come ! I'm not going to stay here and becoming lazy and fat like those stupid kittypets !" a familiar voice echoed and the two looked up to see Cloudpaw approaching them with determination. "I'll go as well... " Graystripe inquired softy but Fireheart could detect a hint of reluctance. Maybe because he was concerned for his kits' well-being ? "It must be the reason..." The flame pelted tom thought to himself before saying to them "I'm in !"

"I will go to !" Brightpaw's voice echoed as she approached them , a burning fire blazing in her eyes filled with determination but with a hint of fear. Cloudpaw purred with ravishment as he pressed his head against his friend who purred in response. Fireheart and Graystripe shared a knowing grin : one day those two would be mates.

However, their moment was interrupted by three fur-balls who were running toward them. Stormkit and Featherkit instantly pounced on their father who fell on his side , laughing. The third kit , Goldenkit , pressed her tiny body against Fireheart's chest , purring "Hey Fireheart can you play with me please ?" the pale yellow kit pleaded the fire pelted Warrior who couldn't help but chuckled.

The moment he was about to respond, Creampelt's voice echoed nearby "Good morning everyone~" Fireheart looked up to see the large cream furred she-cat stepped out of 'nursery' they created weeks ago. Her pale fur shined under the Sun's light revealing her well-muscled body and her broad-shoulders. "Good morning Creampelt ! Here some prey for you !" Fireheart shouted as he tossed her a lump mouse.

To everyone amazement, Creampelt managed to catch it in the air and the Fire pelted tom noticed that her legs especially the back ones looked really strong.

"Thank you Fireheart~" The large molly purred as she digged hungrily into her breakfast which caused everyone to twitch their whiskers in amusement.

When Creampelt finished her meal, she looked at them with a smile as her blue eyes landed on Stormkit and Featherkit still playing with their father.

Giggling with amusement, her sky blue eyes looked away to land on Fireheart " So are we leaving soon ?" she asked him gently. During the time they passed here, the former Thunderclanners got to know the cream furred molly a little better : after being named Warrior 2 moons , her mate Yellowpelt was killed by a fox while trying to protect her. Then she got captured by some Two-Legs and then she was forced to become a kittypet much to her disgust.

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