Chapter 18 : Decision

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From what I saw some people had voted for 'SKYCLAN ACCEPTED TO HELP THE CLANS' So here is the chapter associated with it ! However for the rest I let you more time to think ! Chose wisely warriors and enjoy the story ! Again thank you for supporting 'SKYCLAN'S FIRE' !


Firestar let out a soft yawn as he stepped out of his den and he purred when he felt the warm feeling of the sun against his flame furred pelt. It had been a few days since Mistyfoot, a Riverclan Warrior, was found and she looked better than when they found her. She was no longer skinny and her strength came back after days of starvation.

During all this time, the young Leader thought about Tigerstar and the things he was doing back in the Forest territories. The treacherous dark brown tom was growing more and more dangerous and at this rate, Windclan, Shadowclan and Riverclan would be no more.

After hours of internal debates, the fire pelted tom decided he WOULD help the Clans but he was unsure about what HIS Clan would think about this. Shaking his head, he trotted toward the pile of fresh-kill before picking up a plump vole and trotting toward the nursery where his beloved mate, Creampelt, resided.

She was due to any day now and he was excited at the thought of being a father. Sure he had some experience because he helped to take care of his adoptive daughter Goldenpaw but ,deep down, he was still a bit scared to not be a good father.

He cautiously looked inside the cave and his green eyes instantly landed on the large cream-furred molly he loved so much. Speaking of the molly, she was currently sleeping and her belly was getting bigger as time passed. With a soft purr, he approached her and calmly putted the rodent down before nuzzling her face lovingly. Creampelt groaned in displeasure and opened her eyes to see who was waking her so she could give him or her a piece of her mind.

But then, she purred with affection when she realized it was her mate who woke her up and returned the gesture before licking his face. "Good morning love~" she purred fondly as her beautiful sky blue eyes "Good morning beautiful... Here some prey for you..." the young Leader said softy as he used his nose to push the rodent toward her.

"Awww thank you dear ! I was starving !~" Creampelt purred in thanks before wolfing down the vole under the amused eyes of her mate who grinned maliciously as he remarked teasingly "If you keep eating like that, there would be no more preys on our territory..." the large cream-furred molly interrupted her meal to send him a playful glare which caused him to look away innocently.

"If that happen dear... Then I would gladly eat you first~" Creampelt retorted back in the same tone while eying him with a grin as she licked her lips with a fake look of hunger. "Why me ? Graystripe is far bigger than me !" Firestar said back with a devious grin and the two of them laughed.

At the same time, Graystripe was eating a rabbit with Weaselpelt when he suddenly sneezed. The brown and white molly looked at him with a frown "Are you alright ?" "Yes someone must be talking about me behind my back..." the dark gray tom said back dismissively before resuming his meal as if nothing happened. Weaselpelt eyed him suspiciously for a moment but then shrugged as she resumed her own feast.

"So... what do you plan to tell Mistyfoot today ?" Creampelt asked her mate after the two stopped laughing. Firestar sighed deeply and mentally prepared himself for the shouts he would SURELY receive from the one he love more than anything. "I will tell her I will help the Clans..." He froze and closed his eyes waiting for an angry retort from his mate but strangely, it never came. He opened his eyes and saw that she was looking at him with a smile.

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