Chapter 13 : Dovestar's Death

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The peaceful silence of the afternoon was broken by the voice of a familiar flame pelted tom . "Now Featherpaw... Attack me !" Fireheart ordered his apprentice as he stood before her in fighting position. The silver apprentice eyed him with her beautiful blue eyes , looking for the perfect moment to strike before pouncing on her mentor , claws unsheathed. Sadly, the fiery pelted tom saw it coming and dodged her attacked before head-butting her side which sent the young apprentice flying away into the dirt.

" You must be quicker ! Your eyes betrayed you ! Your enemy shouldn't have the time to think !" Fireheart explained to her in a calm tone as his green eyes watched her getting up. A few weeks passed since the Apprentice ceremony and Featherpaw , along with her brother Stormpaw and her friend (his adoptive daughter) Goldenpaw , were becoming good hunters and fighters.

Sometimes, he trained his adoptive daughter when her own mentor , Weaselpelt, was unable to and Goldenpaw was always eager to be with her father figure. Graystripe , despise his kits being apprentices, was still overprotective of them. Thankfully he trusted Fireheart enough to let his old friend train Featherpaw.

Stormpaw , for his part, found a good mentor in Foxclaw , the dark ginger tom that used to dislike the former Thunderclanners but who became a good comrade since. Even if the dark gray tom trusted him with his son, Graystripe made sure to always keep his eyes on the gray apprentice.

As the time passed, Fireheart had noticed something amusing : Stormpaw passed many times with Nightpaw , Addereye's apprentice and the two of them acted the same way that Brightheart and Cloudtail back when the two were apprentices. With a grin, the fire pelted tom wondered if Graystripe had noticed his son's behavior with the black she-apprentice.

His own apprentice , Featherpaw, seemed to act the same with Whitepaw , Russetpelt's apprentice. The flame colored Deputy got to know Whitepaw since she was still a tiny kit in the nursery and if the two of them become mates in the future... he wouldn't mind. Again, Fireheart wondered if his longtime friend noticed his kits' behavior and if not then he must be as blind as a mole.

However, he was not really sure about the relationship between his daughter and Sootpaw (Darckloud's apprentice). After all Darcloud hated his guts along with the other former Thunderclan Cats and he was still wondering if the gray tom was training his apprentice to hate them. For now, Sootpaw acted like any apprentice and didn't seemed to mind hanging around him or his other comrades but like any good father, he didn't want a tom to 'steal' his beloved daughter , adoptive or not.

Apart of the apprentices, some things changed in Skyclan : Creampelt , along with Brightheart , Lynxclaw and Ambershine were currently in the nursery. Everyone could see their bellies becoming bigger and bigger as the time passed. In a few weeks, the four of them would give birth to future members of the Clan.

After his mate told him she was expecting HIS kits, he made sure to always had time to check on her and to make sure she had everything she needed like a piece of prey, a new nest , water... Creampelt purred every time she saw how good he treated her and Fireheart wasn't the only one acting like this. Cloudtail, Fireheart's former apprentice and Brightheart's mate, was just like his former mentor : loving, caring...

Lynxclaw and Ambershine always told their Den-mates how lucky they were. Lynxclaw's mate, Addereye , was not always there for her and the same could be say for Ambershine's own mate , Foxclaw. The dark ginger , however, tried his best to come as much as he could but he was busy with his duties and the training-sessions with his apprentice.

Russetpelt and Brownleaf , Fireheart's mothers, were really excited at the idea of having ( and spoiling) great-kits. But deep down they were a bit nostalgic... They missed the time where poor Fireheart was a small helpless kitten... Now he was a full grown Warrior ready to start a family on his own... Thankfully, their son reassured them by saying he would always need them which ended in a family group hug.

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