Chapter 25 : Aftermath

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The sun was brightening the sky when Firestar woke up from his slumber. He stepped out of the den he used since the day him and some Cats of Skyclan first came into the Forest Territories. It had been a few days since the Battle with Bloodclan and all of them had recovered from their injuries and were now ready to go back to their own territory where their Clan was waiting for their return.

"Hey Firestar ! I saved some mice for the both of us !" Graystripe called out to his Leader and long-time friend before tossing him a rather plump mouse. The bright-flame colored tom raised his head and caught the mouse between his jaws before trotting toward his friend so they could eat together like they always did.

"You know... Even if we are going home and return to our peaceful life... I can't help but... I will miss our friends here..." Graystripe whispered to his friend after swallowing a piece of his meal. " I know the feeling... but our mission is done... We have no reasons to stay here anymore..." Firestar replied back calmly and with understanding.

"Now that Bloodclan and that fox-heart of Tigerstar aren't here, the Clans would finally be in peace... more or less..." Graystripe inquired with a devious grin and his friend chuckled in both amusement and agreement. Even if the Clans were safe, the rivalry between them would never disappear. At least, they knew when to unite and why.

"I can't wait to see my kits again !" The dark gray tom whispered to his friend with an excited tone. " I know... Creampelt and Goldenpaw must be missing me... " Firestar said back with equal excitement. He knew that when he will be back, he would be a father not only to Goldenpaw but to his now born kits. He knew that his Warriors were all excited by the idea of going back home and he couldn't blame them, especially Cloudtail. Brightheart must have gave birth by now.

When the young Skyclan Leader finished his mouse, he quickly looked at the rest of the group who seemed eager to leave (much to his amusement). Then he cleared his throat which caught everyone's attention "Skyclan ! Today... we are going back home !" Cheers and yowls of joy came from his warriors. "Our task here is done ! We can now return to our loved ones ! But first I must tell you that I'm proud of all of you ! You have done a marvelous job during the fight with Bloodclan and I'm proud to be your Leader !"

His small speech caused his Warriors (some of them) to purr in content and delight at the praises. Firestar watched them with a soft smile but then he rose to his paws before lifting his tail " Come on everyone ! A long journey is waiting us !" At those words, the rest of his group : Croweye, Mistfur, Foxclaw, Nightfur , Weaselpelt, Cloudtail, Graystripe, Sootpaw, Darkpaw and Foxpaw along with his beloved aunt and Medicine Cat ,Kestrelfeather followed him as their Leader lead them toward Barley' and Ravenpaw's barn.

As he walked, Firestar could hear the excitement coming from his Clan-mates and he could hear the apprentices chatting with each other "I can't wait to tell everyone about the fight !" Darkpaw was shouting to his friends who looked really excited " Yeah I can't wait to see their faces ! They would be so disappointed to not have been there !" Foxpaw replied back with a hint of amusement in her voice.

Chuckling of the apprentices' antics, Firestar looked back toward their destination and was instantly greeted by his friend Ravenpaw whose eyes brightened when he saw them "Firestar ! Graystripe ! Welcome !" The black tom said as he pressed his head against his long-time friends who purred in content. "We came to say goodbye...We are going home..." Graystripe replied with sadness and Ravenpaw nodded in understanding but , if we looked closely, we could see the same look of sadness that his friends harbored at the moment. "I will miss you all... But I understand that you have to leave..." the black loner inquired sadly and his friends's heart seemed to clench : this might be the last time they would see each other again.

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