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Jisoo went to Chaeyoung's condo,hoping to see her wife there and yeah,she is there.

"Love!"Jisoo called.Then suddenly Jimin came up.

"Jisoo she doesn't want to talk to you for a while please give her space."He said.Jisoo noticed the big bag in Jimin's hand.

"What's the meaning of this?"

"Jisoo please give me space."Chaeyoung said.

"Please come home with me love."

"No,Jisoo.Please I want to think first please."Jisoo was about to go near to her wife but Jimi stopped her.

"Jisoo you heard her."

"Why are you damn crossing the line?It's a married thing so stay out of here!"

"But she's my friend and I will protect her."Jimin said calmly.

"No let me talk to her!"

"No!"Jimin pushed her."Jisoo respect her decision."Jisoo stood up.


"Jimin!"Chaeyoung shouts.

"You get out of here it's our lives and you have nothing to do with it!"

"JISOO STOP!"Chaeyoung shouted as she help Jimin to stand up."You're just proving how bad you are!I just wanna think Jisoo!I'm having a hard time accepting you so for Pete's sake let me go for a while!"Chaeyoung said.

"Let's go."Jimin said and pulled her outside.

"Hey wait!"They were running so she is too.But they reached the elevator and closed it."F*ck!"She shouted and ran at the stairs,running down.But unfortunately,she didn't got to catch them.They weren't around anymore."Ugh!"She groaned and punched the wall and even banged her head there,then she slowly sat at the corner,crying.A sight of her that no one had ever saw.Shes always been the strong person,she didn't even cried when she got a divorce with Joy.But this,it just feel so worst and painful.So she have no choice,but to go home.


Jimin brought Chaeyoung at his house.

"Jisoo doesn't know this,you can stay here for a while."He said.Chaeyoung smiled.

"Thank you for all the help.You're always there for me."

"Of course.I'm your friend so whenever you need me,I'm just one call away."He said and winked that made the latter laugh.

"Thank you,really.I owe you a lot."

"You don't owe me anything.Its just a friendly help."

"But she punched you..I'm really sorry for what she did to you,mochi."Chaeyoung said.

"You really like that nickname for me?"

"Yeah because you probably look like one."Jimin just shrugged.

"Whatever.Come I'll show you your room."They walked together,hand in hand on a room.


Week.Its been a goddamn week and Jisoo can't find her wife.She didn't eat a lot,she doesn't drink much too.She doesn't go to work,luckily Uncle Lee is helping the company and Soo too.Uncle Lee reasoned something to Soo but not really what happened to Jisoo because he knows Soo is facing a difficulty too this time.Soo didn't barge further,she just helped.Its been a hell week to Jisoo without her wife.Her laugh,her hug,her kiss,the cuddles,she miss them all.But everything was messed up.Shes messed up.She was staring blankly at the mirror.

"Why am I too stupid?Now I lost everything."She said.She had a bottle of soju in her hand,she's really sad right now."Ahh!"She shouted and threw the bottle somewhere.She buried her face at her hand."I hate it!"She shouted again.She got the piece of the broken bottle."F*ck it.Better die than to face this sh*t."She said as she slashed her wrist with that broken piece.Soon Uncle Lee came.

"Jisoo.Jisoo come here and eat.I brought you food.Jisoo.Jisoo."He called.Since the latter won't open the door,he told the maid to get the keys of Jisoo's room.He opened it,and saw the sitting figure of Jisoo beside the bed."Jisoo.Oh gosh!"He said as he saw the blood dripping from Jisoo's wrist."Call the ambulance quick!"He ordered the maids as Jisoo was still unconscious.

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