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"Love look!"Jisoo shouts over her wife who was at the kitchen cooking together with the maids.


"Chaeji's crawling!"Jisoo said proudly as she took a video of her crawling baby.

"She's so cute!"

"Yeah I know right."

"Ma."The baby mumbled.Jisoo carried her.

"That's great baby!You're having more improvements!You're so smart!"The baby just giggled."You're giving us a lot of sleepless night but it's all worth it.Dont grow up so fast,okay?"Jisoo said as she lightly pinched the baby's cheek that made her giggle.

"Time flies so fast.Shes six months old now!"Chaeyoung said,can't even believe it.

"Yeah we should celebrate that.Lets go to mall?"

"Yeah sure."They prepared themselves,then Jisoo take Chaeji for a bath while Chaeyoung was fixing the baby's things."Jisoo why aren't you done yet?"She went to the bathroom,she heard the baby's laugh and giggling.She saw Jisoo playing with Chaeji.

"My pretty little toes I love you so much."Jisoo mumbled and kissed the baby's hand while still drying her.She saw Chaeyoung at the door frame,leaning on it."Mommy!I'm ready!"Jisoo said in a baby voice while waving Chaeji's hand.Chaeyoung could only shook her head.

"Give her to me and I'll get her ready."Chaeyoung said then Jisoo handed the baby to her.As soon as the baby's ready,they went to Jisoo's car and drove to the mall.Jisoo put Chaeji in the stroller as they enter the mall.Chaeji was so cute wondering her eyes on the place while clapping her little hands.

"She really loves to be outside."Jisoo mentioned.They went to their favorite resto,where there are available baby foods too."I can't believe it.Last time we're in a lot of failures,then we had this angel.This is the real happiness.Family."Jisoo said and caressed Chaeji's head.

"Yeah.I can't believe it too."Jisoo held Chaeyoung's hand.

"I love you so much,Chaeyoung."Jisoo said.

"Sweet all of a sudden.You need something?"Chaeyoung said and laughed.

"Nothing,love.I'm just really thankful to have you by my side and you never leave me after all.Thank you."She said.

"I married you and that means I choose you."Jisoo smiled.

"Then,thank you for choosing me."After they finished the meal,they walked around and after a while they went home,since the baby is already sleepy.Chaeyoung brought Chaeji at her room then went back to their room.She found Jisoo sitting at the couch,seems thinking of something deep.

"Love are you okay?"She asked.

"Yeah of course I am."Jisoo said and smiled."I love you so much,love."

"What's wrong with you?Not like I don't like it when you say that to me but I'm not used to it.Is there really something wrong?"Chaeyoung asked worriedly.Jisoo just shook her head.

"Nothing.I just love you so much and I want to remind you that everyday of our lives."Jisoo held her hand."And there's no one more important to me other than you and Chaeji.I love you so much."She said and kissed her wife.


The next day Jisoo's getting ready for work.She went at the nursery,Chaeji was awake already,reaching out to Jisoo so Jisoo carried her.

"My little toes."She said and kissed the baby repeatedly and hugged her.Chaeyoung witnessing it,felt like something's really wrong.Jisoo wasn't like that.She'll give Chaeji one kiss and hug then leave already.Jisoo put Chaeji back at the crib then went to Chaeyoung,hugging her and kissing her."Bye love.I need to go.I love you so much."

"I love you too."Jisoo left,leaving Chaeyoung still wondering.She went to her work.She found another paper on her table.


That's just what was written there.

"The heck is this?"She asked.She just shrugged then threw it,ignoring it.She worked all day until she finishe,then she went to the parking lot getting ready to go home.As soon as she ride it,somebody suddenly gripped her neck.

"Time to die,Kim Jisoo."


Why do I write stories so fast 😭😭😭

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