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My name is (yn). Princess (yn) of Corona.

My name was a secret to the kingdom of Corona for fourteen years. Nobody knew that there was a princess hidden inside the palace. My parents never let me leave, and told me that I was forbidden to step outside of the palace walls.


Because my mom and dad weren't willing to risk losing another child.

Before I was born, my mom gave birth to her first child, a beautiful, golden-haired, baby named Rapunzel. My very joyful parents announced the birth of the new princess to the entire kingdom by launching floating lanterns into the sky. Everything was perfect until a cloaked woman kidnapped Rapunzel late in the night. My frantic parents sent guards out immediately in search of the princess...but she was never found. The kingdom was devastated, but nobody's sadness compared to that of the king and queen.

A few years later, my parents gave birth to another child. A baby girl who had (hc) hair with a single golden streak running through it. Me, Princess (yn). When I was born, my parents never told anyone that I existed. They didn't want to risk losing me like they had already lost Rapunzel. I was locked within the castle walls, never to be seen by anyone except for a select number of servants and guards.

I never had any friends growing up, except for one. A blue-eyed, freckled boy named Varian. Varian's father just so happened to be Old Corona's leader, so he'd bring Varian to the palace whenever he had to meet with my dad. Not that I complained. Varian and I instantly became friends, and we both looked forward to when our fathers had to meet.

We got along very well, and no matter how many fights we got into, we always made up and became friends again.

The only downside to our friendship was that since I could never leave the castle, I only got to see Varian once a month when our dads had meetings. We still made the friendship work, though. Varian told me that he wasn't making friends with the village kids. He said that the kids thought he was weird because of his blue hair stripe.

"It doesn't matter, though. I have you." He would say.

I may not have been allowed to leave the palace, but that never stopped me from having fun. As a little kid I would always play pranks on the castle guards and my tutors. No matter how many times I was scolded by my parents however, I never quit. I would play pranks, but my favorite pastime of all was singing. My parents told me that I have the most beautiful voice they've ever heard. I love to sing, and will let melodious tunes flow from my mouth as I walk about the castle, get dressed, comb my hair, the list goes on!

My life was the same every day. Every day I had the same routine.

Every day I knew exactly what would happen.

Until Rapunzel came home.

Then everything changed.

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