Chapter 10- Queen Rapunzel

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I walk down the palace hallway with Dandelion hopping along beside me. Dad had said to come to the throne room as he had some 'big news' to tell me. I stop as I notice Qurin walking out of the throne room with Varian following him from close behind.

"Dad, none of that was true! Old Corona's being destroyed!" Varian exclaims, running in front of his father's path.

"Old Corona will endure," Qurin says, pushing past his son. "You'll have to trust that I can handle this.

"H-how can I trust anything when my own father just lied to the king's face?"

"That is enough, Varian," Qurin says through gritted teeth.

"Yes sir." Varian whispers.

Qurin stomps away leaving a very upset-looking Varian behind. I quickly run up to him. "Varian? What's going on?"

"Those black rocks...they're destroying our village and my dad isn't even doing anything about it!" Varian explains, running his fingers through his black hair.

"Why wouldn't he tell my dad? I'm sure he would do something to help."

"I-I don't know. I don't know, (yn)."

Just then, Rapunzel pokes her head out of the throne room's door. "Varian? (Yn)? Is everything okay?"

"No!" Varian's voice wavers. "No, it's not...Rapunzel, we came to see your dad about the rocks in Old Corona."

Rapunzel looks confused. "Yeah but your dad just said-"

"Raps, Qurin lied," I say, looking at my sister with worried eyes.

"Things have gotten worse." Varian looks away.

"How much worse?"

Varian shuts his eyes and looks down. I notice his lip quivering. "A lot worse." he barely whispers.

I wrap my arms around Varian and pull him into a hug. He hugs me tightly and nuzzles into the crook of my neck.

"Don't worry, Varian." Rapunzel gently says. "I haven't forgotten about our agreement. We're gonna figure out the mystery behind these rocks. Together." Rapunzel puts her hands on Varian and I's shoulder. "Just give me until our father returns. Everything is gonna be okay. I promise." Rapunzel says with a smile.

Varian looks at Rapunzel with hopeful eyes and smiles.


"We hope to make it to the mountain retreat by noon." Our mother says with a smile.

"I am so excited for you guys!" Rapunzel exclaims, wrapping her arms around mom.

I nod. "You guys deserve this trip. We'll keep things in order here."

Mom hugs me. "Thank you, sweetheart."

"Take good care of them, Max!"

The horse whinnies in reply. I stroke his fur and give him an apple. "Good boy."

Eugene walks up to us. "You two kids have fun now." He says with a chuckle.

Dad still looks very nervous as he walks out from behind the carriage. He looks at the group of pub thugs who had come to bid the king and queen goodbye with worry. "Are you sure you two will be alright? Your mom and I can always stay. We have plenty of anniversaries to come, you know."

"Dad, we'll be fine. It's just two days. What could possibly happen?" I grin.

Mom nudges dad. "She's right, Fredric."

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