Spock Lives On

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I can't believe I've reached 30 parts on this book! Very exciting. Here is a little treat for you guys... a sequel, as it were, to my very first short story in this collection.

One day, as Captain James Tiberius Kirk and his crew were sitting peacefully on board their ship the Enterprise, calmly minding their own business, communications officer Uhura cleared her throat.

"Yes," said Kirk without turning around. It bothered him that he could tell it was her just because she was the only woman on the bridge. He needed to hire some more women.

"Sir, I wasn't entirely honest with you about Mr. Spock."

Now he did turn around. "Well, explain yourself, Lieutenant."

"Yes sir." She looked very uncomfortable. Her uniform was too tight. Kirk frowned. He should issue new uniforms for the female crew members. "I -- I did have feelings for Spock, captain, but I rejected his advances because..."

Kirk waited, being a very patient person. Still, there is only so much delay even the most patient of people can tolerate. "Because what?"

"I thought it would interfere with my ability to do my job, sir."

Kirk stood up. "Well, let me tell you something, Lieutenant Nyota Uhura. Your feelings and whether you choose to act on them will have the same effect on your ability to do your job as a man's would on him. I'm not talking about Vulcans here, just human men and women. Now get back to your job."

She bowed her head and turned back to her controls.

Just then, Bones dashed onto the bridge. "Jim, you have to come and see this."

"What do I have to see?" Kirk turned his chair around again, but before he had a chance to get out of it, a hologram of Spock appeared before him.

Sulu gasped, and Uhura's face turned pale.

"Don't worry. I'm not back permanently," quipped the Vulcan. "I just came to say, no hard feelings."

Uhura stood up and started to speak, but he interrupted her. "Don't apologize. We both acted childishly, but you understand that you did, and that is enough."

Bones shook his head. "Spock, why did you kill yourself?"

"I didn't, actually," said Spock calmly. "I meant to take those pills, but I didn't -- not intentionally, anyway." He sighed. "I'm still not sure what happened exactly."

"Well, I'll miss you." Bones bowed his head for a few seconds.

"I will miss you as well," said Spock. "And you, Jim."

Kirk had been fighting back tears. Now he succumbed.

"I won't pretend that this has no effect on me." Spock sighed. "Unfortunately, I have no time left. Remember this, Jim: I am, and shall always be, your friend."

His image started to fade as he lifted his right hand and spread his fingers into the Vulcan salute. "Live long and prosper, my friends."

One by one, the crew imitated his gesture, murmuring as one, "Live long and prosper, Mr. Spock."

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