Big news!

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Lots of ground to cover here!

First, I have less than two weeks before I'm flying with my family to the city where I'll be attending college for the next few years! Hint: its nickname is the Windy City. We'll be there for a few days before I actually move in. Also, I'm Skyping my roommate later today. She's really nice.

Next, I entered this story into the Wattys. I'm not asking you to go crazy promoting it, because I don't really expect to win anything, but I'd really appreciate it if you could vote for all of the parts (that you haven't voted for yet, obviously).

Third, (and I know a lot of you might not be happy with this) after I start college, I won't have as much time for Wattpad anymore, which will mean infrequent updates. I understand if I don't get as many reads because of that. The fact is that I write because I want to when I have time to, and at college, for the first time in my life, I'll have actual deadlines and assignments that have to be done and done well if I want to get good grades. When I was homeschooled, things were different -- my grades could always be fudged, and I could always take a week off in the middle of February if I was sick. That won't be the case anymore, and unfortunately the things that aren't absolutely necessary will get the least time. Having said that, I'll do my best to read your stories if and when I have the time.

This may sound a little insincere, (and there's not much I can do about that) but I do love you all for supporting me by reading this far. I hope you'll continue to support me.

I'd like to give a shout out to Mr. RobThier, whose story Storm and Silence is currently featured on Wattpad and is entered in the People's Choice category of the Wattys! If you haven't read it, now would be the perfect time. Broadly, it's about feminism and gender roles in Victorian England, with a lot of Mr. Thier's signature wit. I absolutely love it.

All right. I think I've said enough this time round. Cheerio!

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