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A bunch of bananas dangles from a branch, swaying a little in the wind.

"When do you think we'll get picked?" asks the leftmost one, shivering slightly.

"Oh, not for a while. We're still quite green," his neighbor says.

"The Barrys were picked when they were the color of faded pine needles," observes the runt of the bunch.

"I wish we had eyes," says the leftmost banana mournfully. "I want to be able to see."

"You want to see them cutting us off our branch? No thank you," retorts the runt.

The bunch of bananas is silent for several minutes, digesting everything that was just said.

"We're being cut off!" the runt shrieks suddenly.

"Well, what did you expect," begins the rightmost banana, but she's drowned out by all the others screaming in agony. Why are they screaming, she wonders. It doesn't even hurt that much.


A bunch of bananas sits in a truck, bouncing merrily.

"When do you think we'll get eaten?" asks the leftmost one, shivering slightly.

"Oh, not for a while. We're still quite green," his neighbor says.

"Not this again!" groans the runt of the bunch.

"I wish we had eyes," says the leftmost banana mournfully. "I want to be able to see."

"You want to see their knives and their teeth? No thank you," retorts the runt.

The bunch of bananas is silent for several minutes, digesting everything that was just said.


A bunch of bananas sits in a store, shivering. Why is air conditioning necessary in November?

"When do you think we'll get eaten?" asks the leftmost one.

"Oh shut up!" the runt says.

The bunch of bananas is silent.


A bunch of bananas sits on a table, looking very pretty and yellow.

"When do you think we'll get eaten?" asks the leftmost one, shivering slightly.

"Right about now," the runt says facetiously.

The bunch of bananas is silent.

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