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So if you want me to write a story/poem about you, fill out the form below and PM the answers to me! It shouldn't take more than two weeks to write it, and I will dedicate it to you. I reserve the right to refuse fanfiction requests, and I will always tell you why. I also reserve the right to refuse any requests if they are R-rated, because I don't write that stuff. Finally, I reserve the right to refuse any story requests that call for multiple chapters.

Here's the form:


Name of Character(s):

Gender of Character(s):

About Your Character(s):

Basic Plot of Story (not applicable for poems) (five sentences max):

Basic Theme of Poem (not applicable for stories) (ten words max):

Basic Characteristics of Celebrity (celebrity fanfictions only) (ten words max):

Anything else (don't swamp me with too much information!):

Again, thanks!


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