If I Were You #1: The Little Mermaid

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All those books I've been collecting (that somehow miraculously didn't disintegrate in the salt water of my ocean home), I'll read them and figure out which human objects are actually cool and which aren't. Then I'll get rid of all the junk I've been collecting!

Next I'll hang around that ship and actually explore it instead of going googoo over black-hair-and-blue-eyes. Like, how do they steer it? Where does its power come from?

Then, when said black-hair-and-blue-eyes nearly drowns, I'll rescue him and leave him on the beach, again without getting unnecessarily mushy. I mean, he is cute, and he could be my ticket to the human world, but do I want to put my family and my entire kingdom in danger? NOPE.

Then I'll snoop around the ports and try to figure out some more stuff about humans, in the process finding concrete evidence that my dad's fear and hatred of them are completely unfounded. When I present this evidence to my dad, he will probably try to come up with counterexcuses. This is what meticulous planning is for. I will have a reply to every possible excuse he could ever dream of making.

After he sees my logical point of view, he will give me legs so I can explore the human world, but he'll also let me keep the fins so I can come back whenever I want. Best. Dad. Ever.

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