Random Musings

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Never love boys. Love inanimate objects, because they don't go anywhere.

Communication is the simplest idea in the world and the hardest thing to do.

Language is just an imperfect way of expressing ourselves. So is art.

Never let anyone else tell you how to feel. Never tell anyone else how to feel.

Let yourself experience every emotion, because that's better than bottling it all up and letting it explode later.

If your friends judge you then they aren't really your friends.

Changing is easy if you put your mind to it. The trouble is that our minds get so bogged down that we don't have energy to put our minds to it. Or maybe it's just laziness.

There are two kinds of love: the kind where you try to make them a better person and the kind where you accept them for who they are. The best love is a combination of both.

School is both overrated and underrated. It all depends on how you look at it.

Say what you mean, not what you think is socially acceptable. You'll figure out who's worth your time a lot faster.

Sometimes you just have to stay up almost all night mourning a breakup by watching Gilmore Girls.

Popcorn is amazing. Especially microwaveable popcorn.

Food is hands down the greatest evolutionary success.

Green and orange look good together. Add yellow and now we're talking.

Painting little pumpkins is no joke.

Why is it that I have more than enough pairs of shoes yet I can't find a pair to go with my outfit?

I love that my college campus has water bottle refill stations and the water tastes good.

Give yourself time to miss those who mean a lot to you. They miss you too.

You don't have to have everything figured out. It's way too stressful and life doesn't work that way.

Sometimes you can't choose how you feel. All you can choose is how you deal with it.

No one is perfect, but somehow even when you accept their flaws, they still manage to disappoint you.

If you find a real true friend, hold on tight and never let them go.

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