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You confuse me
Not the words you say but the meaning behind them
You intrigue me
Everything you do and the reasons behind it
I wish I knew every little detail about you
What makes you happy
What makes you sad
What you live for
I'd like to be part of what you live for
Sometimes you say something
And it makes me want to sing
I spend hours picking it apart
And it drives me nuts
Because I want to know exactly what you meant
And what you think of me
But I can't ask that
Without you knowing how I feel about you
How do I feel about you
Sometimes I'm not sure
One day I think I might love you
But surely it's too soon to tell
Another day I'm convinced this is only a silly crush
I don't even know if you care
Do I mean nothing to you
Or am I special
Even as a friend
These are the questions I dare not ask
So I fill in the gaps with small talk
To find out more about you

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