Chapter 8😇

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"Marriage is my precept and my practice."~Rosullullah (S.A.W)
" Marriage is part of my sunnah,and who ever does not follow my sunnah has nothing to do with me. Get married, for I am heartened by your great numbers before the nation"~Al-Ameen(Rosullullah)SAW

Ayesha's POV

"Assalam Alaykum" we greeted as we entered the mansion
"Wa Alaykum salaam"mother replied.
I and Fara(Fareehah) went to our respective rooms. I had a shower and  got changed, then we came down for lunch. I was sure the 'talk' might come up and yeah!,I was right 'cuz father cleared his throat noisily before starting;
            " Ayesha we need to discuss something important with you"I nodded my head 'cuz I was short of words.
          "You are already 26 and you can't stat single till eternity,we want you to get married as early as possible, something bad might come up and we really don't pray for that, we want you to start looking for a suitor and within 2 months"
             Is he joking??,like look for a perfect man within 2 months!, it'd take me 1 year!
   "Father, mother,pls do the favour of looking for the suitor,I am not sure I am really ready for marriage" I said sincerely
"Okay, that's not a problem"mother replied and we were dead silent.
  I needed some space to understand and decide so I went to my room,open the window and inhaled some fresh breeze Allhamdullillah!. That was my routine when  I am thinking.


Today is another day,bright and good, Allhamdullillah. I wanted to stay on bed but I remembered I was to attend a  party ,khally's company. They were going to celebrate their 10years of existence and it was an architecture company just like ours and the owner is my Father's friend but his son controls it now,oh my God I don't even know name,stupid right?,going to party without knowing the host? But they invited me soo...
     I got dressed and started driving to the venue. I got there 5 minutes late but not like they are going to notice me😑.
                I looked for a place to sit and watch,then I heard father's voice.
" Assalam Alaykum father"
"Wa alayki salaam dear"
"I didn't know you would come"

"Yes,technically I was invited but since you are here you will stay for me. I have made my presence known to MR Khanna and also told him that you will be here. Take care ,bye"
      I sat down and watched as they did the opening Dua'a and all that ...
Then it was time to introduce the VIP.

".........Good morning ladies and gentlemen, you all welcome to our annual business anniversary. Firstly, I will like Introduce some VIP guests and I will like to call on the only company that stood by us,encouraged  us and helped us when there was crises, pls ladies and gentlemen, join me in welcoming the CEO of zally's company, Miss Ayesha Alli!!!!"The son said-- oh yes!,the son's name is Alli  Khanna. Everyone stood up while clapping has I went up the stage.
        " Good morning ladies and gentlemen, thank you all,I say a very big congratulations to Khally's company, we are very happy that you have gotten to this stage and we are glad we helped, once again, Congratulations!!!! " I said clapping and existing the stage.

        The rest of the event was really fruitful, we had  a picture after cake cutting and people came to meet me for the normal 'congratulations'. Giving them a fake smile, I existed and went into the car.

I got home really tired and sleepy. I entered and met father in the sitting room watching some news channel and just as if they awaited my presence, the news of the business anniversary party started. Like I didn't know the media were there!,

        "The annual business anniversary of Khally's company was today and it started with thanking Zally's company" the newscaster said. The screen changed to me standing on the stage and re-wind to my speech.

      '" Good morning ladies and gentlemen, thank you all,I say a very big congratulations to Khally's company, we are very happy that you have gotten to this stage and we are glad we helped, once again, Congratulations!!!! " 

     I sighed loudly which alerted father of my presence.
"Come my child, you did well!" Father said putting his hands around my neck.
"Assalam Alaykum father"
"Wa Alayki salaam dear"
"I will be off to my room now " I said .

Assalam Alaykum lovelies!  Happy children's day👭!
Sorry for not updating for while... School work and some other stuffs

I  have introduced Alli Khanna to you all  and the next chapters will mostly be an Ayesha's POV.



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