chapter 20; house tour🏛

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•Ayesha •

I got dressed in a blue atamfa, packed my hair in a bun and dropped a black veil on my head.

I headed downstairs for breakfast and met Alli opening the door for his sisters, Azeemah and Amirah. Those two are so nice! Maa shaa Allah!.

" hey zeemah, mirah!" I greeted and they squealed rushing for a hug!
" the most beautiful bride and our one and only sister in-law! " Amirah cooed
"Oh girls!" I said lightly blushing.
Both were dramatic!
" hey, they brought breakfast " Alli said
"Ohk,thanks and my regards to mum" I said
" okay, we are leaving, bye most beautiful bride! "
"Bye!" I said shaking my head
"That's what I deal with every day!" Alli said referring to his sisters

After breakfast, we did the dishes together and we were thinking on what to do!
" what about an house tour!!" I suggested
" that's great!"
We both went out to the garden. A very beautiful one precisely because Alli loved flowers!
Then we rounded the house and saw a pool.

 A very beautiful one precisely because Alli loved flowers!Then we rounded the house and saw a pool

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Their house.

Their house

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The garden

Swimming pool

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Swimming pool

Swimming pool

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Basketball court

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Basketball court

Then a door that leads to the  big gym. Afterwards, the basketball court.
(A/n): I love basketball!.
Then a mini bathroom for 'after gyming'

Then a mini bathroom for 'after gyming'

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Then a small living room

We went to the guest rooms, his room which is dark themed, then my room

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We went to the guest rooms, his room which is dark themed, then my room .
"Ak, did you design this?" I  asked
"Yeah, and by the way you sound like my sisters" he replied. I didn't get what he was saying so I raised a brow
"I mean by calling me 'Ak'"he said
" oohh!!"
We went to his study, the main living room, the dinning, then the kitchens! Two freaking kitchens! Then the terrace and we lastly went to a corridor, it had three rooms.
"Guest rooms?" I asked when he didn't talk
"Nah, our kids room"
"I want three children, one girl, two boys"

We both stood in the kitchen deciding on what's for lunch.
"We should go for pasta and meatballs"
I brought out all the ingredients and started cooking the pasta while Alli made the meatballs.

We sat on the table ready to devour our meal.
The pasta👇

The pasta👇

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"Hannan is graduating in two weeks!"
"Ooh, maa shaa Allah!"


Ramadan Mubarak!
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