chapter 25: memory loss

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The sky rumbled as part of the creations the king of the universe created in pairs descended the stair of the private jet holding hands while a uniformed man helped us with our suitcases.
"It's going to rain Mon cèour!" Alli said urging me to walk faster.
"I'm too  tired, I just want to sleep", I groaned.
" the chauffeur would be here soon", Alli pacified.
The chauffeur arrived and collected our suitcases from the man and dumped it in the trunk .
We both got into the backseat and I immediately rested my head on his shoulder to sleep as I was drained of energy.
The water drops splattered on the car's window making the chauffeur drive more carefully. With Alli putting his jacket over me, I drifted off to wonderland.


I dropped our suitcases in my room as the maids went helter skelter trying to make our lunch as I ordered them to. I dropped my wife ever so gently on the bed and proceeded to put off her socks, shoes, hijab and coat.
As the rain splattered on the roof and window pane, I crossed the idea of showering and joined Ayesha in bed.

An hour later.

Dropping my plate in the sink, I bounced back to the dinning and kissed Alli's cheeks.
"I'm going to get ready, I'm visiting my sisters", I Informed.
" must it be today?"
"Yes, I want to resume work as fast as possible."
"Okay, I will be at Ahmad's", he stated and stood up to drop his dish in the dishwasher.

30 minutes later......
" I'm gone Ak!, stay safe!"
"Same to you!"
I opened the door of my BMW x3 after it made the beep sound and slid Into it, buckling my belt for safety while muttering my prayer for safety.
I drove to blèu café where I would be meeting my sisters.
Gosh!, I miss those humans!
Parking my car in the space provided, I picked my bag and the bag of gifts I got for them.

Spotting them;
"Hey Lil sisters!"
"Latest bride!"
"Latest mother !"
"Full gist ooo!" Hannan ordered.
"Sure but here are your gifts."
"Aww, thanks so much."
"My pleasure."
After gisting them about what they wanted to hear while eating, we  caught up on one another's life.
"Wait oo, Adda, what about my request?, have you done a scan?"
"No and It is not what you are thinking." I replied.
Gisting a bit more, we decided to call it a day afterwards.
"We came with uber so you are dropping us"
"Someone is eager to go home to hubby!" Fara teased.
We got into the car with me in the driver's space, fara beside me and hannan behind, we chatted all the way filling up the gap they felt after my marriage.
Well, we chatted happily until we  got to a roundabout and a delivery truck ran into us!.
Inna lillahi Wa inna ilayhi raajihuna.


I drove my car happily into the garage and parked hoping to meet my love.
Stepping in to meet just the maids.
"Has my wife returned?" I asked one of the helps.
"No sir"
Was about to call her when her call came in.
" come on babe!, why aren't you home, I was hoping to have you home and—" "Excuse me are you related to this number?"
"Pls come over to national hospital, Abuja. Your wife and some other ladies who were with her were involved in a ghastly accident."

"Hello sir, are you there? "
"Oh yes..yes. I- I would be there. Thanks."
I tumbled to the door and managed to get into my car, drive out and head towards the hospital.
I don't know how I made it without dying or sustaining an injury, guess the Almighty was with me because I got to the hospital driving recklessly.
"I'm here for the ladies involved in the accident." I said to the receptionist.
"Room 354, three of them."
I took the lift to the Ward and met a woman sitting on the waiting chair in front of the Ward.
"Excuse me, are you the one that brought them to the hospital?" I asked
"Yeah, here are their belongings".
" thanks"
"People like you are rare to find, here is my business card. Thanks for helping them." I added.
"My pleasure."
As the kind hearted woman left, I brought out my phone and informed our families.
I asked a nurse passing by if I could go in and she asked me a few questions then told me to follow her to the doctor's office to sign some documents.

Entering the ward, I went straight to  yesha's bed and hugged her sleeping figure.
"Please wake up soon"
" Ayesha!"
"Oh my goodness!. All praise be to the Almighty!" I glorified.
"Ak I think i—"
The door burst open revealing our parents.
"What happened?"
after explaining , they all hugged her in turns.
I guess the movement woke hannan up because she coughed to gain our attention.
After some time;
"Why isn't Fara waking up?"
"What's going on?" We heard her faint voice.
"Who are you?"
"Reehah,  it's me your mom"
"Mom?,last time I checked, my mom was dead and I live with my kaka(grand mother)."
"What's wrong with her??"
Hannan sobbed.

2022 is coming to an end!!!
What have you been proud of this year?
Comment below.

Pls: is 'gisting' an English word? Like, official word?.

Won't talk much but I updated because I have been seeing votes and that uplifted my spirit.
See y'all in 2023 in shaa Allah!

TT: hamitaaf__
IG: I_am_fzza


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